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Search results

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    Exhaust bolts

    Hey guys I'm trying to take the top inside bolt and middle bolt off. How do you get these off I have a T 50 bit and the wrench they give you is too small. Any help would be greatly appreciated
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    What to clean side panels with

    Hey just wondering I have some belt dust on one side and at the bottom of my other side I have yellow from the exhaust. I have tried Mr clean magic eraser but it isn't working to we'll. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. My panels are white with the blue stickers
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    Seat Time

    Hey guys. I currently have a 2016 viper LTX Le. I have had a total of 4 chain case leaks in the past year of riding. It seems it always happens when I am on a big trip. I am seriously thinking hard about buying a new sidewinder, the dealer will give me a pretty good trade value. What are you...
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    Aftermarket can

    Just wondering if anyone can tell me. I am heading to Quebec in 2 weeks. Do they give you a fine or hassle you if you have an aftermarket can. I put one on so that I could tighten up my chain without taking my exhaust off.
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    big venom clutch kit

    I have installed a bit venom clutch kit. I have a 2016 viper ltx le. I want to shim the secondary to run an 8dn belt. My bolts already have a washer on the back bolt do I add another washer to the existing bolt and washer any help would be greatly appreciated
