RXAPEX mountain

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TY 4 Stroke Master
Oct 31, 2005
Reaction score


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Nice! Looks great. I'm sure you will be happy with it. The 162 is awesome on this sled!

Thanks Aaron!

Sorry to hear that you sold your sled. Hope you are happy with your AC.

Hope you stay around on RXM forum - always nice to get input when needed from guys like you that has done a lot of mods to these sleds.
Thanks for the replies!

Sorry I havn't answered before, but I'm at hospital with my little girl that only three months old. She had been to surgery to day. Therefore I havn't had the time to test it out yet.

I will attach the template I used as soon as I get home.
It's looking good so far! Hope we 'll be able to leave the hospital in the midle of next week! Thanks for caring!
Here's my RAPEX, you will love it - completely new sled (just need turbo now)

03 RX-1 Mtn, with Apex tunnel, skid and track.


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Sorry to hear about your daughter. My thoughts and prayers to your family for a quick recovery. Take care.

We are all back from hospital - every think is looking very good! i hope to try out the sled next week.

Doo_man was the apex tunnel "bolt on" in the RX-1 bulk head? Does it use the same rivet holes? I saw a new takeoff one snowest - tempting
TT - it's as "bolt-on" as it gets. A few different holes and you must trim the chaincase bolts - but other than that it was real straight forward.

Good to hear everything went well with the surgery!
Well I finnaly tried the RXAPEX out - I have have a new sled :jump:

I flat out rocks in the snow compearing to the stock skid and track. I got myself a new sled!

I got around and ordered a new 162" tunnel ext. last night. I'm going with MPI again - Hartman wouldn't ship overseas without a broker in the US. MPI shipped the ext. same day - I got the trackingnumber from MPI within 3 hours.
"Template" (hope it's the correct word - not sure) I used to install the apex skid frame.

You need the following critical measuring points to change a skid frame (look at template in the link underneath). If you have this points you could change any skid frame.

X1=distance from center of drivshaft to center of frontholes

X2=distance from frontholes to holes in dropbrackets

Y1=distance from top of the tunnel (inside) to center of front holes

Y2=distance from top of the tunnel (inside) to center of holes in dropbrackets.

