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  • Can you take pictures of the spacing and send them to grizztracks@gmail.com ? It'll also be easier to communicate through email.
    Will do, I think I got it pretty good after reading through some posts. I cut out that bottom plate with the circle in it, right along both corners where it buckled. Put a come along and got both sides to be exactly the same. Just waiting on gussets and my buddy to weld 'em up for me. I will send some photos when I get back to my sled ( at a buddies) Snows falling here
    Any advice on getting that bottom a-arm to move forward? When I get the shock centered, it seems that the top and bottom a-arms are 0.75 inch further back on the chain case side, than on the clutch side. The bar method seems to only move the top a arm and makes it Flex at its weld points, bottom a-arm doesn't seem to budge with a bar. Any helps appreciated. thank you
    Hey, I'm located in Ontario, Canada. How much for steering relocation + gusset kit? Do you have any available? And how do I place the order Thank you
    what year Nytro do you need gussets for? I cut the gussets when I get an order so it usually takes me a few days to get them in the mail. I have a couple steering relocates ready to go.
    Sounds great. It's for my 2009 nytro xtx.
    I would like to purchase your gusset kit for my 2011 Nytro xtx. Can you send me a invoice to milletime11@aol.com. I live in Michigan 48182! Thanks
    Grizz got it sorted, just needed a tiny shim on the lower backing plate. The bar position is absolutely perfect now. What a great DIY mod, and I can see the entire gauge sitting down and didn't have to touch the steering relay rod!
    Grizz installed your relocation kit on nytro today and im getting some binding, I do have the OFT yamaha steering blocks with oilite bushings on top and bottom so tolerance is tight. Any ideas of how to fix this? Looks super close to being perfect with the shim.
    Hello, I have a 08 Nitro that I have been told I need grizztracks gusset kit for the sub frame. Also I steering relocation kit. What do I need to do next? Thanks Berru
    A gusset kit for a 2008 would be $86 shipped and the relocate would be another $45 if ordered with the gussets. You can order by sending payment to my PayPal account: grizztracks@gmail.com

    Came across your posts, I just picked up an 08 Nytro. It hasn't been reinforced, uncertain if its tweaked currently (shocks aren't centered in the upper A-arm, but appear to be the same on both sides https://imgur.com/j6PYTFw), but plan to install plates over the summer anyway. Are you still taking orders?
    Sounds good. Just sent payment.
    Just checking to see if you received my order. I've taken measurements from the upper a arm bolt back to the footwell, one side is 29 1/2" and the other is like 29 7/8". Should I attempt to get them the same or is that close enough? I've tried prying back on the upper A arm and forward on the lower like your posts suggest.

    Picture for reference of measure area. https://i.imgur.com/OHh5qkl.jpg
    I measure from the lower a-arm back to the tail of the lower frame were it bolts to the body. Make sure the ski tips are not staggered (one running behind the other), Make sure shocks have same spacing and both close to centered in the upper a-arm, Check spindle angle visually or with an angle locator gauge. Close is good enough on these things. I cut your gussets yesterday and will ship them Monday morning (USPS)
    Hey there i need a gusset kit for my yamaha nytro 2011 tanks to let me know the price and everything tanks
    Sent this to Snow and Mud also:

    If you can straighten the frame then weld the gussets in it should not bend again and will be stronger than a new frame. A gusset kit for a 2011 subframe would be $90 shipped to Canada. You can order by sending payment to my PayPal account: grizztracks@gmail.com[/QUOTE]
    Hey Grizz was wondering if you still was selling steering relocater for the nytro. What do you use to adjust the bottom steering bushing slightly forward and down? I tried the oft but it was to much and blocked the guage, yours seems like it would be just right. Thanks Bill
    A gusset kit if shipped with the relocate would be $65. You can order by sending payment to my PayPal account: grizztracks@gmail.com
    Done. Hit a pretty good jump where the bottom was blown out by other sleds and hit real hard but nothing appears bent after measuring. I'll add the gusset as a added security measure. I think the 13 has a beefed up subframe compared to previous models.
    Got your stuff today looks top quality way beefier then I expected, excited to install and try it out. Thanks again.
    Hey griz, I've got a 2008 nytro with a bent subframe. Was thinking about swapping it myself if I could find a used one, but was just curious what you would charge me to straighten my existing subframe and install your gusset kit into it for me if you would do it for me. Thanks Darin
    Darin Stedman
    Ok i will def have you do it for me if u would be willing. I think I am going to finish out this riding season before I get it done. Could I possibly get a hold of you in the spring, and set up a time that works for u to bring the sled down?
    Darin Stedman
    And I don't think it's bent to bad. The shock isn't centered in the a-arm and the left ski is slightly ahead of the right, but the sled still tracks straight down the trail
    I should be able to correct that for you.
    Do you still make gusset kits for Nytros? I'm buying a second Nytro (2013) and want to gusset it from the beginning and not wait till I bend it.
    No worries. I'm gonna ride it as is the rest of the season and get the gusset welded in during the summer tear down.
    Question for you. Do you know if the frame is different enough on any of the earlier versions (I think my frame part number ends in 3) that would cause gusset you sent me for my '14 to not fit an earlier frame?
    The gussets should fit all year frames. The 2008 subframe also takes the same gussets but it requires one additional plate that's not included in 09+ kits.
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