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  1. drrrd420

    2009 lineup !!!

    My 07 yamie is up for sale now. polaris is lookin pretty sick this year, can't wait to get one
  2. drrrd420

    BOUNTYHUNTER's 08 40th Anniversary Custom Ride

    wow, thats one pimpin sled you got there. good job man, loving the color layout
  3. drrrd420

    WHo is disappointed with the first release?

    Fort mac, looks like you need a little nap there bud
  4. drrrd420

    09 NYTRO XTX 144 What do you think?

    I'm also liking this sled alot, I love cross overs, its not a whole new led but this is the only sled yamaha realesed so far, so something new could very well be on its way.
  5. drrrd420


    nice sled man, I'm likin the yellow on black
  6. drrrd420

    The Totallyamaha Design Department

    some damn nice sleds on here, heres mine, I did the black and white thing... before it was cool, haha just jokin guys
  7. drrrd420

    Some phazer art

    heres the newest one so far, I made the back bumber to long, but thats about the only thing that looks off, I'll make a fresh one in a bit. Tell me what ya think
  8. drrrd420

    A pretty drawing for totally yamaha!!

    haha you should come down here, its a really fun spot to ride, lots of good hidden stuff to go find
  9. drrrd420

    Some phazer art

    I've got 2 update pics on the way, same basic thing for the first one, but the second one is the guy doing a normal indy air not a seatgrab, both are way more decal friendly
  10. drrrd420

    A pretty drawing for totally yamaha!!

    heres the new pic, just drew it tonight for ya guys. enjoy. :Rockon:
  11. drrrd420

    Some phazer art

    thanks guys, donno if i'll be makin that one a sticker. I got another one on the go right now that would make a perfect decal i think. I'll post it soon. if any of you guys like to draw sleds or anything really, post it up
  12. drrrd420

    Some phazer art

    Dew a pic yesturday when i was bored watchin tv, thought you guys might like it.
  13. drrrd420

    I CAN'T STOP!!!!

    haha looks like me and you have the same problem, very sick sled and set-up by the way
  14. drrrd420

    All most done

    wow, thats a crazy nice sled you got there dude. What kind of bar set up are you runnin?
  15. drrrd420

    Almost done ma baby

    yeah most ppl that see my sled don't like the bars, its just a comfort thing i guess
  16. drrrd420

    Almost done ma baby

    I took the pics with my phone so they're not all that great, but u get the idea. i painted it around 2 months ago. Fat bars went on a couple weeks ago. Just waitin for my c&as... and snow :Rockon:
  17. drrrd420

    Finished up...recalls next, then bring on the season.

    very very nice man, yet another black phazer to add to te club. rock on
  18. drrrd420

    Gauge Pod Getting Torn Off Sled When Rolled

    last winter I rolled my sled and ripped that poor gauge right off, sled wouldn't start with out it, so for that reason I am now also running the "jimmy Blaze" set up. Works very well if you plan on jumpin your sled
  19. drrrd420

    My yamaha sleds

    wow... very nice
  20. drrrd420

    Custom Phazer Mountain *NEW PICS* added 11/23

    Beautiful man, I painted mine black also, except I painted the a-arms white and alittle whit on the back fender thing. Lets ride dude our sleds would look f*&kin amazing together haha
