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Search results

  1. Rockmeister

    EASY ADJUST - Remote Headlight Adjuster Kit for your sled!

    All orders received to this moment have shipped. ;)! Yours arrived in your mailbox today even! (Just checked) :-o
  2. Rockmeister

    EASY ADJUST - Remote Headlight Adjuster Kit for your sled!

    Hhahahhaa! I love reading thru the posts! Working around holiday/family commitments today & tomorrow. Planning to have instructions finished and shipping this week yet to everyone that has ordered. (Literally down to writing detailed instructions) These will ship with this name, yet, still...
  3. Rockmeister

    DIY belt changing tool.

    Nice Joe! ;)!
  4. Rockmeister

    EASY ADJUST - Remote Headlight Adjuster Kit for your sled!

    Hhahahhaa! You guys have me rolling! :rofl:
  5. Rockmeister

    EASY ADJUST - Remote Headlight Adjuster Kit for your sled!

    Want one for free? I will send one to the first guys that post good possible names for the Adjuster. (At my discretion) (You just pay shipping) Make me laugh, may send you one also! lol
  6. Rockmeister

    EASY ADJUST - Remote Headlight Adjuster Kit for your sled!

    Ok, have you tried adjusting the headlight on your SRviper/Sidewinder/Cat ProCross sled? IF you have the correct tools, you can kinda get it close while in the garage, however we all know as soon as you are on the trail, it isn't quite right! Sometimes not even close! The best way to set your...
  7. Rockmeister

    Power Timer Giveaway & News from AREA 51

    Update: We performed & had exceptional reliability & repeatability testing last week.! :Rockon: Still fine-tuning some small things, working on making it easy for you the user to easily set & reset timer on the trail/shop/garage/stops etc right now. Rock :-o
  8. Rockmeister

    Power Timer Giveaway & News from AREA 51

    Adding to the list! Lol @ LinkedIn
  9. Rockmeister

    Power Timer Giveaway & News from AREA 51

    Adding to the list! LaLaLa
  10. Rockmeister

    Power Timer Giveaway & News from AREA 51

    Hhahahhaha! I love it! Adding both to the list! ;)!
  11. Rockmeister

    Power Timer Giveaway & News from AREA 51

    I love it! :rocks: Let's see how it evolves! :sled2:
  12. Rockmeister

    Power Timer Giveaway & News from AREA 51

    Great Idea! :rocks: Will make one up! (Will help avoid "Coking" the oil in the bearing) Now, what to call that one? (The Anti-Coker? LOL) And how long to leave running? (Basically, how long does it take to cool the bearing usually?)
  13. Rockmeister

    Power Timer Giveaway & News from AREA 51

    Was just thinking, will throw it out there... "Memory Timer" maybe? You remember nothing, you forget nothing. It does it for you.
  14. Rockmeister

    Power Timer Giveaway & News from AREA 51

    Hmmmm "EZ Timer" (Letting it ferment in my brain :drink:) On the input side, it will plug right into your Apex & Venture. (Can possibly send you some free stuff to test on your ACE, send, me a PM about your ACE. :)) On the output side, can wire your Accessory output to the Unit...
  15. Rockmeister

    Power Timer Giveaway & News from AREA 51

    Appreciate your comments! Hardest part was getting the idle current draw down to insane low levels, while still being stable & accurate in sensing. The less current things run on, the more sensitive they tend to be to outside noise etc, & less stable. The unit is still barely running when off...
  16. Rockmeister

    Power Timer Giveaway & News from AREA 51

    We can make a P&P for the RX for ya maim! If there is enough demand, will make many P&P for the RX/RS Sleds. Let's hear it guys, is there enough demand for RX/RS Sleds? For the RX1 the wire would be Looong to get to the dash from the battery. (Maybe that is the reason to make the harness for...
  17. Rockmeister

    Power Timer Giveaway & News from AREA 51

    On the Winder & Viper, it will be P&P under the dash. Short leads on that one, no need to run directly to the battery. The universal will be quite different, with ring terminals on the ends to connect directly to the battery(s). One wire question is how long to make the leads so they get to the...
  18. Rockmeister

    Power Timer Giveaway & News from AREA 51

    Hey yamadoo! They will be available for your Viper very soon. We are getting ahead on other products right now, then will be building these in production. Cost, not sure yet. Will most likely do an introductory price to get them out there, & then raise them to regular price. Yours could be free...
  19. Rockmeister

    Power Timer Giveaway & News from AREA 51

    Hi Maim! The timer will only work on sleds with batteries. Are you saying the power connections from the battery have Bullet connectors? Was thinking a Ring Connector For Hot & one for Ground & connecting directly to the battery as a universal model?
  20. Rockmeister

    Power Timer Giveaway & News from AREA 51

    Quite a bit, however this thread is about the Power Timer ;)!
