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  1. Reaper

    Curve Skis on Phazer

    Tom, what carbides did you run on the Phazer. I really love these ski's but found the steering very heavy with 6" carbide. I have as et of the new carbides coming but would like to hear what you ran.
  2. Reaper

    How well does the shorty Nytro go off trail?

    Reason it will push more is the tipped up rails will loose there effective ness with the 1.75" lug. You did not notice push as you did not extend the length of the track only the lug height.
  3. Reaper

    How well does the shorty Nytro go off trail?

    Nate, if you do the 1.75" track you realize it will push like a 144 as the effectiveness of the tipped rails will be lost with the deeper lug.
  4. Reaper

    Pulled the pin on an 09 RTX SE

    Apex must have had a fouled plug ;)!
  5. Reaper

    Pulled the pin on an 09 RTX SE

    Beat is Beat :jump:
  6. Reaper

    nytro ,whitch one

    Re: Which One Fantastically (is that a word??)
  7. Reaper

    Pulled the pin on an 09 RTX SE

    Apex will smoke a Nytro.
  8. Reaper

    Front end Mod - Results

    it all helps a little bit don't kid yourself as the 09 geometry is the real cure
  9. Reaper

    DOO guy with nytro issues, please help!!!!

    Another satisfied RTX owner again, there is that pattern again. Hmmmmmmm still waiting for the Standard FX owner to jump in with all smiles.
  10. Reaper

    DOO guy with nytro issues, please help!!!!

    Well, I believe it is mostly suspension (valving) I rode an RTX for 15 minutes (not long to make a good judgement) and the big difference I noticed was you could ride very hard in the rough and it would stay flat and predictable. The Standard starts to pitch and buck wildly if it gets to rough...
  11. Reaper

    any one having lower front torque arm bolts lossening up?

    Problem is when you grease the skid it fill the threads with grease (cause of the problem I think)
  12. Reaper

    DOO guy with nytro issues, please help!!!!

    Another STANDARD FX handling like #*$&@, not an RTX. Imagine that ! I echo your concerns brother !
  13. Reaper

    Just Snow Checked A SE

    Keep shopping, that's like $800 to much
  14. Reaper

    TRACK WENT FROM 1 INCH TO 1.25 08 TO 09

    This is off the website, it is a 1" Get the 1.5" Freeride, awesome track !
  15. Reaper

    any one having lower front torque arm bolts lossening up?

    I have the washer out but still backed out, put some loctite on and hope it stays put.
  16. Reaper

    any one having lower front torque arm bolts lossening up?

    Wow, had the same issue after the update will have to check the washer deal.
  17. Reaper

    Tunnel closure

    Excell block off plate, sweeeet addition.
  18. Reaper

    Anyone happy?

    I love mine to death. Closed tunnel, Excell exhaust, 1.5" Freeride track, CurveXS ski's. Funnest sled on the snow !
