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1.5" Track on Attak


Aug 5, 2007
Anchorage, Alaska
My brother has a 2007 Attack. He has only changed the stock skis over to Simmons adjustable wide skis.

He is thinking he might switch to a track with a 1.5" lug on it. Have any of you done this? If so, how much of a difference did it make? And, what would you recommend he do?


Nope, nobody has ever done that. :rofl:

Check out these threads.

Craze1Cars season ride report after installing larger lug track on his Attak.

Two threads about installing a 1.5" track.

For changing out the track, then click here for the link to the Apex/Attak FAQ thread. Towards the bottom is a link to the post on how to change the track, including step by step instructions with pictures.
Intense Track

Just completed mine. I stretched the sled to 136" also and went with extros and clipped the track, went 23/39 on the gears, and added wheels. I also removed the tunnel protectors.
what would be the best track for 70% trail and 30% off trail. I would want it for top end.
I was thinking a 1" predator. or the 1.25 ice ripper

Any thoughts? Looking for top end on the trail and lakes with snow cover.
We ride on trail and in deep powder. What do you guys think of the Camoplast Ripsaw compared to the Camoplast Freeride?

Also, again, he has the 07 Attak with currently the 136" long-track witht he 1.25" lug on it.

A friend of mine put a 1-1/2 intense on his Attak last year and that really moves some snow. However I found my stock Attak didn't trench as bad and got around in the deep maybe a bit better. THe Attak needs to have extrovert drivers on it either way, Its a must.

the ripsaw will perform better then the freeride.note freeride is 14" wide also.
I had a ripsaw & a freeride on my 136 Turbo RX-1. The freeride absolutely killed the ripsaw for drag racing on snow. The freeride has super hard durometer lugs & is lighter in weight then the ripsaw. In my conditions on my particular sled the freeride outperformed the ripsaw but in a different area the outcome could be different.
I went with the Intense for hookup on groomed trail, and the occasional ride before the groomers get out. The sled is never going to be a great deep snow performer. Top end should be as good as stock, but it will get there better. If top speed is your game, its hard to find a track that will give you best of both worlds although I hear the 1.25 in 6 pitch Predator is a damn good selection.
I run a 1.5 on my 07 attak, I had the 1.25 lug for like 3 or 4 rides in about 1 foot of powder.. and it didnt do so bad, but I did switch it for a 1.5 lug for a 100 bucks love hook ups : ).. well anyways went to the same riding place, and it did have better bite, but if you going to pay full price, for the track I would think twice about it. IMO. but I dunno and drivers are a must!!

I am thinking about going to the new cobra. It's 1.37 in height. Need to find more information on weight and how it would perform over the ripsaw. It's brandnew. There is a picture on tracksusa under what's new. Looks like a great Attak track.
Next week I start my 2007 Attak mods - going with a 2" track and extending it from 136 to 144. Lots of powder where I ride and there are no groomed trails. Last year as soon as I hit more than 1-2 ft of powder the rear end sink like a tank. I'm replacing the skis too - my head is spinning trying to figure out which ones to go with, but I'm about 90% decided on the Powderhounds with bergstrom triple points. I bought the anti-ratcheting drivers from Hartman too - is that not as good as going with extroverts?
