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A few more miles on the RTX!


Oct 18, 2005
Well put a couple hundred miles on the 07 RTX and have a few more opinions. #1 I made the right decision to buy the 07 RTX and sell the 06 Attack for my style of riding. Now with weight transfer the front end feels very light and will wheelie over just about any bump in the trail. Yes the rear skid gives up a little comfort but for me so far it was a good trade off.
#2 - Seat didn't need to be stiffened up IMO. If they would have stayed with the 06's seat foam I think the ride would be just about perfect for me.
#3 mileage - so far so good. First tank solid 14+ best fill up was 17mpg! Never saw that on my attack. #4 Skid wheels still suck! Hyfax was melting/sticking on snow covered roads where all other brands I was driving with had no problem. I had a couple of Polaris wheels that I stuck on the outside wheels and it seemed to help a bit (haven't done the inner wheels yet). #5 Headlight totally sucks! I can't believe how bad it is, this thing belongs on something from the early 70's as that's about the amount of light it seems to throw on the trail! Everyone's comments on this subject were right on. Brights are in the trees dim just isn't enough light (my 06 attack seemed to definately be better then this 07). I don't believe it's a bracket flexing issue as most of my riding was at sane trail speeds not enough to flex the headlight due to catching wind - all in all just a piss poor design and IMO a potential safety hazard! A call to the consumer products safety commision might be in order!?!?!? #6 fox floats - so far I love them! #7 put pilot skis on this sled right away and so far they are PERFECT for my style of riding. No darting, aggressive enough in the turns and yet a light feel at the bars. #8 speaking of the bars - handwarmers still aren't warm enough IMO. Rode all week with temps in the 30's and bars on high and could hardly feel the warmers. I would never try this with my buds Vipers as they would roast your hand with temps in the 30's and set on high. #9 lastly the windshield what a joke! I did see some other riders with Yamaha's "tall" verion windshield on their sleds WTF? Big old support brackets running down to the tank shroud - how tacky is that? What kind of enineering is that? IMO sleds should be delivered with a functional wind protecting windshield and you should have the option to buy the low racing versions - not the other way around.

Well that's it for now, for the most part I'm happy with the purchase but just a little frustrated with Yamahas decision making in some catagories...


what did u do to get the front end lighter,i have my wieght transfer set to max and it still feels hard to get the front end light through the ruff stuff,i was thinking of loosening the limiter straps one one.

i have 3300 kms on my 07 APEX RTX

so far i have had not a single failure of anypart.

including sliders/wheels. anything.

seat and skid are excellent. i find the seat softens up right away.

anyhow my 02 cents
Wartsnuff said:

i have 3300 kms on my 07 APEX RTX

Holy,..........that's more than all the rest of us put together. 10 C here with no snow any time soon.
Good report xcr5 i understand about the windshield thing,i think they are trying to appeal to the younger generation on that one,but what we did last lear was install the handguards it does help some,not completely though. How was your power and speed compared to everyone else,plus other brands,and do you still have stock clutching on it? Ya mine was an attak last year,what a tank when trying to lift the front end up over a large bump,my boys 06 rtx could pull a wheelie for 300 ft. on any kind of snow while mine even on max transfer would barley lift the front,and the best part is now i can slam thru a tight turn the way i used to or still can on my 01 xcsp6 its great,i have not had the chance to try it this year with my new usix2 ski yet except for around my yard a few weeks ago when we had a few inchs of whit,all gone now,so i will comment more on them hoppefully in a few weeks. Yea the headlight does not beem out correctly,its a shame cause they have some of the brightest lights in the biz,but when one is in the trees and the other you can out run at night it makes for a dangerous situation.
I think you are right about the windshield for sure, but I'm guessing they must think most are going to be ditch banging and not care. I think they need a redesigned hood and windshield. They put the driver forward and higher yet left the hood and windshield the same, doesn't make sense. Even on my 07Gt with the mid height windshield, I am catching wind in the middle of the chest and on the knees.
I have 240 kms on my 07 rtx and the only real complaint I have is the ski poo yellow they had to put on it for some reason. Hand warmers almost melted my hands and no problem with hyfax or bogies. Found the front is great for bumps, try using a little of the power to get over things works great for me.

Ericsno - are you running a 06 or 07? My 06 didn't transfer enuff no matter where I set the transfer rod. The O7 RTX obviously has a different rear skid. I have have the transfer rod nuts just about falling off (maxed out) and it transfers just perfect for me.

For those that commented on the low windshield and ditchbanging mentality from Yamaha. #1 I would love to see the median age of the individual buying an Apex. I bet you it's over 30! Same with income, I bet most of these sleds are being sold to individuals making over $50K a year and that's not alot of young pants hanging off there arse kids making that kind of money or purchase. Almost every Apex owner I've encountered has been in the sport for quite awhile and have matured to this type of high performance trail snowmobile. The Apex isn't a light weight ditch banging 440 and if you purchased one thinking it would perform like one you didn't have to travel many miles to realize you made a wrong purchase. To me the Apex is a refined high performance trail snowmobile. One of the finest motors on snow. The comforts of electric start, reverse, electronic shocks, and a motor that puts a big smile on your face in the twisties is why we pay the price we do for these rides. So in a nut shell - Yamaha spends the time on the comfort items listed above but puts on a useless windshield - Wake up Yamaha! Again, I'll go buy the race windshield if I want one - but the sled should be delivered with something that blocks the cold (you know the condition we use these things in - well except for this winter)!

Oh yea - I won't ever be buying a sled during snow check again. While I did get what I thought was a great buy on my sled. I can now get it with two years free financing (compared to the one year I got during snow check) and an additional $800 off right now. So no more snow checks for me... Yea I know everyone will say - Oh but you got the 3yr warranty. Well lots of good that does if Yamaha denies everyones warranty claims.

Everyone having to deal with this wheel situation is just BS in my book. I also think big Y should be making an effort to improve the headlights on the 07's at no cost to the consumer, but I won't be holding my breath on that one either.

can u picture an apex with a phazer gt windshield...i luv my rtx,u must dress for the occasion ;)!

Sorry Red - but I don't buy that. No I'm not talking some butt ugly phazer winshield or the tall Apex windshield with the industrial support rods (WTF)? I'm talking a stylish functional windshield. Funny thing is I'm typing this and blowing my nose/fighting a cold at the same time from the last trip I was on with my RTX...

Nope not buying it one bit.
