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backfire after releasing throttle ???


Dec 14, 2007
new brunswick
im guessing my donuts are going bad. Is this the first sign people go thru. Riding hard and quickly releasing throttle will cause backfire. Only 5000 kms on sled so far. Sled is not noticeably louder either. I was hoping to make it till spring without changing them. But too much snow on ground and more on the way. This has been one hell of a great winter, i bought this sled this year used with 100 km and logged over 5000 km so far.
Is there anyway to tell if there bad without removing seat or tank?
Dont want to ignore it and damage pipe (too expensive).

I think I'm in the same boat. Just finished almost 1000 mile loop, and it started backfiring a lot on the last day. I have 6200+ miles on my sled though, so it probably started around 6000 miles.

If I start the sled at home and put my head down by the track, I'm fairly certain the exhaust is leaking...it's pretty noticeable.
When it starts backfiring chances are you have this going on..


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Yup....that is what was the same thing that was happening to me. Sled was backfiring upon deceleration. It ended up being the exhaust donuts went bad AND the "Y" pipe was also ended up being cracked. Good luck.....the donuts aren't due to arive in the U.S. until Feb 29 and last I heard about the Y pipe is b.o until June (I could be wrong about this date though). You might get lucky and your dealer miht have these parts in stock...or do what I did and give Port Yamaha a call. Good luck!

--Steve (O.C.)

PS. With all these exhaust donuts and Y pipes going bad, I hope yamaha recognizes the problem, finds the fix for it, and does some sort of recall.
@#*& im going to dissasemble tommorow to check the extent of dammage. I orderded donuts they will be in friday. Ill be pissed if pipes are broke.
I had my donuts replaced at 4100 miles (06 RTX). Last week I was riding in Quebec and on the last day, in the early morning hours (Very cold and coming out of a heated garage) my sled backfired after a couple of long straight stretches when I let off the throttle. It only did this a few times and then stopped. I am hoping I had bad gas/water in the gas and the dealer didn't screw up the repair!
I had the same thing happen to me going for a long stretch at the end going about 100 miles an hour in Bathurst NB on piston alley. 06 attack and my friends did it to with an apex er.
i went for a quick spin this afternoon. I put my head beneath front of rear suspension. I can defenitly hear exhaust leaking. With all the apex and attaks that have been sold you would think an aftermarket company would capitalize on this and make a fix. I know im going to have to do this again someday. Shame on such a great sled.
With all the apex and attaks that have been sold you would think an aftermarket company would capitalize on this and make a fix. I know im going to have to do this again someday. Shame on such a great sled.[/quote]
The DONUT...They are probably shot.
I just did mine,got 3000 miles on the sled.
The exaust 4 and 3,half of the donut were missing.
The #2 mist 1/4 of the donut and #1....no sing of the donut.
I did my donut because my sled backfire after WOT.
Bad Doghnuts

Is this something that would be warrantied with Y>E>S? I just bought a new 07 GT and with all the talk of bad doughnuts and cracked exhaust I may have to get the warranty. Thanks
2006 ATTAK Y.E.S will cover the crackes y-pipes all the donuts all the clamps etc.My Yamaha tech rep from the factory was amazed at my problem. He actually took my bad parts for research back to Yamaha.
I bet the cost of the Y.E.S will be worth it considering the labor and cost of parts. It would be different if this was a very isolated issue, but looks like it's quite a few sleds having the same troubles. Thanks, Jim
I would check your donuts right now! My sled started backfiring and I pushed my luck and rode it another 600 miles and both Y pipes cracked and need to be replaced.....$630! I should have known better and checked the donuts right away!
