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Fuel Tank Insert spinning


TY 4 Stroke Junkie
Nov 10, 2005
Starbuck, Manitoba
2014 SR Viper XTX. COTC, Hygear 141 pro link.
Need to change my plugs and when I went to take the tank shroud off the brass insert in the tank is spinning and I cant get the bolt off. Any tips/tricks on how to get that bolt off?

I can't picture the exact situation you have but I got
the general idea. If you are good with a drill I first
would drill the bolt head off and remove the plastic
shroud. Go slow, don't get it hot. Use an air drill, not
electric. I always pilot with a new 135 degree split
point 1/8" bit. They just cut better with a hand drill.
After the shroud is out of the way you can try and
pin, epoxy or drill out the bolt stem. Usually some
Kroil is my first choice of penetrants. Evinrude makes
some stuff called engine tuner that is also very good if you have time to soak. Smells like it has a
very mild acid in it. Works miracles for lubing rubber hoses too. Never have used it for cleaning
an engine.
If you go to drill it out make sure and put a stop
on your bit or at least wrap it with tape. Going to far
is not an option.
This happened on my brother's Phazer. We got the tank cover off by muscling it around the edge of the bolts. Once the tank cover was off, I took a die grinder and cut two sides of the flange off each bolt so it would slip easily through the hole in the cover. This allows you turn the bolt 90 degrees so it "locks" down the cover. Then when you want to remove it, just turn the bolt 90 degrees and slip it through the hole.
Here's a crappy cell phone pic.

Thats a really good idea Jeff!Once spun there is no fix short of replacing tank so I would do just as Jeff has.
To prevent this from happening always use a little BLUE loctite.Not only does it prevent those bolts from loosening and allowing you to just snug them lightly but Loctite also prevents corrosion and will actually make these bolts easier to remove without fear of spinning those inserts.
Thx guys, I did muscle it off and then musle it back on, kind of messed up the plastic but its not going anywere and it is covered by the seat. I like the idea of cutting off the tabs on each side, will do that next time I change the plugs
Weapon X said:
I always coat any dissimilar metals with alot of anti-sieze. ie; steel bolts, brass/alum inserts

X2, especially the brass threaded inserts in the gas tank. G.B.
