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I need step by step instructions on carb cleaning my 973's


Nov 11, 2006
S Central WI
Any links would be helpful as I couldn't get the search function to narrow it down for me.

Anybody have fully scanned pages from the manual?

I'm tired of paying to clean them annually!

Pick up some seafoam and run it through the fuel system on your first tank of fuel. I don't clean carbs anymore after finding this stuff ... mind you I also drain the carbs during summer storage.
That's a good thread...so all the carbs are on a single rail?

And you have what? Three gas lines and then the in/out coolant hoses? Or are there more?

About how long to take the assembly off and about how long to clean each carb?

Do you guys just do the main and pilots or all of the stuff listed in that other thread?
This is how I clean my Vector carbs:
1. Remove air cleaner to expose carbs
2. Using a metric allen wrench remove drain from bottom of carb. ( do one carb at a time and stuff a rag underneath it to catch draining gas)
3. Take a can of aresol spray carb cleaner such as Gum-Out (using the red spray tube), spray into the small openings at 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock of the carb wall. Make sure to get the tube in as far as you can before spraying. Also spray into the bottom drain to back flush. A couple 5 second sprays should be adequate.
4. Allow cleaner to drain and replace drain pin.
5. I always put in fresh gas at first start in fall.

This simple procedure will save you a couple hundred bucks and the sled will run great!!!!
ezrider said:
This is how I clean my Vector carbs:
1. Remove air cleaner to expose carbs
2. Using a metric allen wrench remove drain from bottom of carb. ( do one carb at a time and stuff a rag underneath it to catch draining gas)
3. Take a can of aresol spray carb cleaner such as Gum-Out (using the red spray tube), spray into the small openings at 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock of the carb wall. Make sure to get the tube in as far as you can before spraying. Also spray into the bottom drain to back flush. A couple 5 second sprays should be adequate.

So you're draining the bowl and spraying into the open, exposed carb areas (ie not spraying into the bowl) without any major disassembly?
Not the worst job (thanks to Larry @ North Country Yamaha for a little verbal advice and a peek at the shop manual). BUT, three weeks later..already a little gummy again.

I decided to drain the bowls and we'll see how it goes in December.
Just to add what was stated above, after removing air box loosen carb clamps at engine. This allows you to pull out carbs just enough to rotate them so you have clear view at bot. of carbs. Most important step if your going to do this is place sheet under carbs to catch any dropped screws or jets!!!!!! You can access jets and futher spray your carb cleaner to do a better job.
