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Loud pipes

Loud pipes I don't think are the root problem with trail and area closings (going off trail on private and public land is a big problem), just adds oxygen to the fire for those that hate us. This is a small group, but they have alot of money. Don't take our power sport for granted is all I can say. JMO

Been riding for 40 years (started at age 6), there is nothing that gets my adrenaline running like sledding does.

If there was a magic pill I could drop in the gas tank to get an extra 18hp I would. BTW my sled sounds awesome!!!
I changed my pipe on my nytro not for extra noise of which i hate but mainly for a lighter pipe and performance gain. My skinz Ultra q is a liottle loder than stock but not nasty loud like some pipes :o| I originally got a mbrp and i rode with it once it was crazy loud. NOISE DOES NOT EQUAL PERFORMANCE a performance gain and a lighter muffler can be had without waking the dead, we are all or at least should all be adults not like the revem up jockeys you see all to often coming into a gas station with there loud piped 2 strokes BRAAAPPPPP look at me type thing lol
I would have a hard time getting a fine because I changed my exhaust from stock, even though it is just as quiet, and a late 90's ZRT goes by louder than ever but is ok because it is completely stock. I am ok with the decibal thing as long as its enforced properly, and fairly to everyone.
I would challenge any person defending aftermarket pipe use on the majority of local trails to go and volunteer for a season or two with your local club. See how much time, effort, energy and politics goes in to establishing and maintaining a trail system for all of us to use. Talk to some of the gracious landowners, who choose to ALLOW clubs to use their land, about noise issues. The two most common issues that come up when people close trails: noise from pipes and riding off trail. That said, I welcome noise enforcement on our local trails. It is good for our relationships with landowners and that's good for our trail system. My .02 cents.
I do volunteer with my local club, and help put out signs and talk to landowners. Where I live, all of our trails are either ditches or across private land. Very little of our system is on public or government ground. Our trails are broken up between different clubs, who most of them may know the landowners personally and can have those discussions with them to help ensure their wishes are met. That being said I do understand your point, but it is also up to the clubs to be sure to mark things correctly is a particular landowner has concerns or issues, and maintain due diligence throughout the season in the "PR" category by maintaining signs, watching for "off-trail-ers" and and adjusting signage accordingly.
There's always two sides, and I agree with not having loud pipes, but I do also see the difference between a 2-smoker with a loud can that you can hear for miles, and a 4-stroke sled with an exhaust sytem that has a tasteful and non-threatening tone. It's up to the rider to be courteous of his surroundings, and it's up to the clubs or organizations who host the trail systems to warn/remind/inform the users of the rules.
I think the point of this thread is to warn people of impending fines in certain areas, and not to break the rules where enforced. I do also believe that the sledding community as a whole is somewhat "targeted" un-necessarilly, and where the stupid actions of a few impact the whole group. It's a touchy subject for sure, and I am capable of seeing all sides, but I don't think I should have my sled taken away because I like my Bender pipes. I should just be aware of restrictions, curfews, and know enough not to ride dis-respectfully near homes or treat someones property dis-respectfully.
nate007 said:
Personally I think the noise laws are ridiculous. There's something just fundamentally wrong with passing a law that allows "judgement calls", and for a peace officer to be a mechanical expert? Granted, people do need to be respectful in residential areas, but I've never heard anybody pose this issue:

People ride sleds in the winter, when peoples homes are closed up, furnaces running, most people are inside,and often times the snow muffles sounds from a mile away anyway, but nobody complains when in the summer time when windows are open, people dont blick an eye when 15 loud Harleys come roaring through town all summer?
Seems to me the higher ups in the snowmobile industry need to be screaming more about this being unfair. My sled has exhaust on it, and even if I ride home at 2:00AM, my wife cant hear me until I'm about 3 or 4 houses away?
Private industry (aftermarket vendors and manufacturers) is getting the shaft for what logical reason? Sowmobiles cant honestly be that much of a nusance to that many people to have things start going this way? I could very skillfully gut a stock exhaust and replace it with whatever I want and nobody could ever tell it's been tampered with, yet some officer has to now be an expert on sleds to point out such issues? What happens to the guy who has made no modifications and just has a muffler that's wearing out? This is BS...

SPOT ON!!!! ;)!
Don't forget, you are welcome to use any pipe you choose on your own property, big brother hasn't outlawed them. You are using someone else's property and part of that agreement is that no modified exhausts are allowed. I know it is a never-ending argument but unfortunately we do indeed lose trails all the time as a result of piped sleds.

And as for houses being closed up, you don't think people are out building snowmen? Shoveling driveways? You don't think horses and other farm animals may get spooked by a loud pipe? As I said, if you have your own land you have the right to do whatever you want on it. If you don't, be courteous and follow the rules.
Ok, I think we've got it. We could argue you until my fingers fall off. Thank you for your input. Duely noted. If your're all in favor of more restrictions and governmental actions and less about individual responsibility, you'll never see my point. Now we've hijacked this thread enough.
I'm gonna take my loud pipes and quietly sneak though my neighborhood without pissing off my neighbors and go home now.
:o| :drink: ;):D :jump:
Oh yeah, and please add your location to your site profile, per site rules.
I think that if you actually read the piece that Mark Lester wrote...
You would better understand that it is about the sled industry taking more heat and blame than it deserves. While other powersports get away with very loud if not earth shattering noise without anyone pointing fingers or enforcing restrictive laws.
And in that respect we should take a step back and ponder... What keeps our sport going strong? Is it Oem sales alone or the huge aftermarket options that keep us engaged. I say it is part of the whole package and we should all simply accept it and run with it or cramp up into a ball and hide under your kitchen table.
nate007 said:
Ok, I think we've got it. We could argue you until my fingers fall off. Thank you for your input. Duely noted. If your're all in favor of more restrictions and governmental actions and less about individual responsibility, you'll never see my point. Now we've hijacked this thread enough.
I'm gonna take my loud pipes and quietly sneak though my neighborhood without pissing off my neighbors and go home now.
:o| :drink: ;):D :jump:

Nate, I am not sure if you are getting what Wny Pat is saying. Maybe the trail system differs in Iowa compared to New York...but in New York 90% of trails are on/or run through (personal) landowners property. I am not quite sure what you mean by saying "If you're all in favor of more restrictions and governmental actions and less about individual responsibility, you'll never see my point"? What restrictions governmental actions are in place when you are on a snowmobile trail? If you go camping at a camping site can you just make noise all hours of the night and stray off the grounds and destroy property?...no ya cant. There are rules in place that are agreed upon between the landowners and the clubs. And-"individual responsibility" is the farthest fetched expectation of the mass group that make up the snowmobile world. I would say 90% of sledders "get it"...where the other 10% ruin it for the rest. It only takes one person cranking the decimals on the pipes at 2am to completly piss off a land owner where he is calling the club the next day tell them to shut down the trail. Or one person to tear up a farmers field. I go to some of the club meetings and the common conversation resorts back to loud pipes and people riding off-trail. I am a landowner myself and allow the trail system to go smack dab through the middle of my property. The wife could get a hair up butt at anytime call the club and tell them to divert it...and noise is the #1 reason when you have a new born/young kid(s).
Wow and to think I read all of this entirely. Makes me wonder what's more important? Why doesn't anybody do anything about all them jerks with modified exhausts on their trucks (diesel or not) and the little foreign cars ( fast & the furious wannabees)with megaphone exhausts racing frikken around at 1:00 am in the morning (all year long)?????? I come into town and drive responsibly, so what's wrong with that? If I'm racing around in town exhaust modified or not then slap me silly with coupons!! C'mon guys, reason......AKA, common sense. G'night
mach9 said:
What get's me is it appears the MTO or in this case the MSVA has passed a law that could have guys pulled over for inspection.
Lester points out that the law is kind of broad, No modification from OEM whatsoever allowed.
How the heck are trail wardens etc. going to know what a mod is or isn't?
Dump on the sled industry again... Thanks tree huggers.

All stock pipes have a certification stamp USSC I beileive. Look up the tunnel of your nytro you'll see it. No stamp easy ticket;-)
