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Must be clutch issues. need help


Aug 27, 2011
Northern Ontario
2007 FX
We have about 3 feet of snow on the lake but I am not getting the top speed the sled got before. I use my sled normally just for fishing but have seen high 80mph on the speedo. yesterday we were out and it was a white out, and i ended up finding some guys who were lost/ended up stuck in knee deep slush (thats another story)
anyways it was the first time I have gone out and actually worked the sled hard and been on it without the Mrs or a sleigh with fishing gear and the speedo was topping out at 40ish miles per hour
It was revving over 11500 rmp but would not go faster. I got onto a trail that was about 6inches of powder and packed underneath and same thing. high rpm, low speed..
how do I diagnose the problem? I am convinced its one of the clutches not shifting, I am going to draw a line on them with a marker and see where the belt gets to. Any ideas/suggestions?
We got 8 inches overnight, how much will this screw with how the clutches shift?
I would love to figure this out today since its a holiday and if parts are needed get them inbound

take your secondary apart and clean it thoroughly. Check the shoe ramps for excessive wear, make sure the helix is polished clean, and get any grease out of there if you find it.

you wont believe how dirty it can get, and how much performance it will rob from you. I do it every season now, sometimes twice a season.
