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My 1st Sled: 2009 Vector LTX GT (unused)


Oct 3, 2009
Waterloo, ON Canada
Hi All,

I'm new to sledding and, like all of you, I'm certainly looking forward to a great long winter.

This is my 1st seld and I was wondering if you would share your comments with me.

I know for certain the Yamaha 4 stroke was the way to go.

I wonder if the Nytro XTX may have been a better choice. I selected the Vector due to it's larger fuel capacity, figuring the lack of fuel injection Vector) was somerthing I could accept.

Did I make a good choice?
Are there problems I can expect?
Are there things I need to consider changing/adjusting to enhance my riding experience?

Thanks for your input.

You don't say how you ride or what your expectations are for the sled. The Vector is known as a trail rider sled, and the Nytro more of a ditch banger sled.

The Nytro has a reputation of being a difficult sled to handle...if not downright dangerous (unless you're built like a brick "you know what"). I know this comment will bring all types of naysayers, but when my dealer says he will not sell a Nytro to a person unless he "prequalifies" them them as a potential candidate, what does that tell you?

The Vector is a pure "gas and go" sled. Just ride it...it's a great sled IMO. Let the suspension get broke in then spend some time tweaking the adjustments to get it to ride and handle how you want.

NOTE: if Yamaha still ships them with junk 3" carbides, take those off RIGHT AWAY and put on Doolies or Duece bars. Don't wait till after your first ride(s). Change them b4 then.
I have both sleds that you have mentioned, I had the Vector LTX GT in 08 and absolutely loved it! I wanted a Nytro in 08 but didn't want a 121" or 153", I was hoping for a 136" but that wasn't an option. So in 09 I got the XTX. 2 different sleds completely!

Like mentioned the Vector is a trail sled, that's not to say you can't have fun off trail. I was amazed how good the Vector was in deep snow once I got familiar with it. There was a bit of darting first when I got the sled but after I set up the suspension to my liking I had little to no darting at all. This past winter I put a set of Doo 6.9 Pilot's on and what a difference! Great deep snow floatation, and decent on trail. Fuel milage is amazing on the Vector, ranging from 18-21 mpg all season, and with the bigger tank than the Nytro you won't need any extra gas for normal trail riding.

Now for the XTX! Oh my god! I thought the Vector was the best sled I had ever ridden, well it was, until I got the Nytro. The Nytro is so much more, power, handling, deep snow, speed, rough trail, even mpg were better on the XTX. Like the Vector I changed the skis, 6.9 Pilot's, a must as the Yamaha skis just don't cut it for anything other than trail riding. Storage is non-existant on the Nytro but I fixed that by adding a set of saddle bags and tank bag. My fuel mileage ranged from 19-21 mpg constantly, my best last year was 22.10 mpg(Imp gallon), but the tank is smaller so you may need extra fuel depending on the ride. I have a tour buddy for this year so that problem is solved.

Like I mentioned earlier I loved the Vector in 08, I put 5000 km on it that winter, but in 09 I did not ride it at all, I put 4000 km on the Nytro. Both sleds have been trouble free, only thing I have had to replace was a burned belt, did that on my first ride of 08. It takes a bit to get use to the torque of the 4 stroke motors and slow speed operation like loading the sled in the back of a truck.

Hopefully I've helped you refine your search?? Alot of people say the Nytro is difficult to ride, I don't get that?? It does everything so much better than the Vector, from trail riding to off trail to rough trail. If I could only have one sled it would be the XTX all the way.
Mostly, I'll be riding groomed trails in South Western Ontario with some trips further north on some longer and faster trails. I'll also be making 1 or 2 trips per year to Quebec for a 4 day trek. In addition to this, I will be doing some ice fishing. Some lakes may be snow covered and without trails. So, this is why I'm a little unsure which sled is best...the Nytro XTX or the Vector LTX GT.
My understanding is the Nytro will offer better all around performance and will give me the needed additional float on those remote lakes with deep snow. I think they'll both perform very well on the groomed trails. Installing the Tour Buddy will give me that added fuel capacity but can I install a temp. passenger seat (Jack Seat) on the XTX if the Tour Buddy is installed. Same question for Saddle Bags with the Tour Buddy.
Thanks for the advice
Re: tommyt5078

I paid $8000 USD

Thanks, for that price I would buy one today, I'm looking at $1000 more for one..............Happy trails to you!!!!!

I'll be holding until I find one closer to that price tho..............
I'm sure if you did some searching you would find 1 at the same price. Yamaha USA just had a Dealer Auction 2-3 weeks ago. A lot of product exchanged hands. Now, some dealers have a lot of inventory and are moving it at great prices. That's how I got mine.

Good Searching.

BTW: Don't trust Dealer websites as being up-to-date. A lot of them aren't because of the quick turn-around of product.

You need to call them. A Sales Manager/Owner are often more informed on what they have coming in.
