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rear wheel replacement


TY 4 Stroke Junkie
Oct 29, 2007
Fall City WA
The bearings on my outer wheels are starting to go bad, looking at the wheels, it looks like the outer ones have a bearing sealed in. yamaha wants like 50 some bucks for the wheels, anyone know of a cheaper alternative that will allow me to replace the bearings too? I don't really like the idea of buying the stock yamaha stuff, when I am just going to have to drop the coin again once the bearings are bad.

I know the center wheel has a replaceable bearing, anyone use those on the outside of the skid?

thanks for any help, trying to get this sled back on the snow without dropping 300 bucks or more on a big wheel kit and 4 8" wheels.

I bought rear wheels from the SRX. Replacable bearings and almost the same looks as the stock Nytrowheels. Plus they where not eaven half the price....
bumping this old post as I need to go back to 7" wheels from my 8" wheels. Anyone find any good cheap replacement wheels?

Kråkan said:
I bought rear wheels from the SRX. Replacable bearings and almost the same looks as the stock Nytrowheels. Plus they where not eaven half the price....
what year model SRX? The ones I looked at, while cheap did not seam to have replacable bearings.
I see that the 2012 nytro's state that all wheels have replacable bearings, yet when using the microfishe for the 2012 mtx sleds, the only wheels that show replaceable bearings are the outer rear wheels.

Anyone know if the middle rear wheel is replaceable too?
ruffryder said:
The bearings on my outer wheels are starting to go bad, looking at the wheels, it looks like the outer ones have a bearing sealed in. yamaha wants like 50 some bucks for the wheels, anyone know of a cheaper alternative that will allow me to replace the bearings too? I don't really like the idea of buying the stock yamaha stuff, when I am just going to have to drop the coin again once the bearings are bad.

I know the center wheel has a replaceable bearing, anyone use those on the outside of the skid?

thanks for any help, trying to get this sled back on the snow without dropping 300 bucks or more on a big wheel kit and 4 8" wheels.

I thought once you buy wheel replacements from Yamaha the bearings can be changed. I thought Its only the wheels that came with your new sled that have to be replaced once they are pooched.
