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USI skis and 2006 Attak ???


Dec 24, 2005
Central Iowa
What is needed to mount USI skis on a new Attak. Some have said you need USI mounts others have said they will bolt right on. Can someone please confirm what is actually needed. Thanks

skidud said:
What is needed to mount USI skis on a new Attak. Some have said you need USI mounts others have said they will bolt right on. Can someone please confirm what is actually needed. Thanks

Yes USI skis need a mount. There is no mount designed into the plastic ski bottom so you need to purchase the metal mount that bolts onto the plastic ski. They are not designed for any particular brand so the proper mount is necessary no matter what brand sled they are going on.
Have you ever tried usi skis on this type of sled before? We put the usi spx skis on our mach z's and although they turn awesome and track staight they are a bear to turn. If you like working out these skis will make you work in the corners. Good luck!
I had USI VX on my Warrior and steering was very heavy.

After I sold the sled I read an article that mentioned if you use the rear most mounting hole it will greatly reduce the steering effort. I wish I knew that as I would have liked to try them mounted in that position. (USI have three mounting holes for the spindle bolt).
nosmach said:
Have you ever tried usi skis on this type of sled before? We put the usi spx skis on our mach z's and although they turn awesome and track staight they are a bear to turn. If you like working out these skis will make you work in the corners. Good luck!

The problem is that the carbide sticks too far out of the keel on the SPX's. They did that intentionally to compensate for the different keel design.

Recess the wear bar and shorten the ski and they work awsome OR buy the new triple threat skis. They adressesd all of the issues.
I would't recommend USI skis for Attak. Very heavy steering unless your Popeye! There are several better aftermarket products out there IMHO.
usi skis

We ran the 301s on both of our cross country race sleds (RTX) i have them on my ATTAK- middle hole ,yes you need the brackets.Great ski.Works well for us.
As some have already stated,they (USI) have addressed some or all of these issues,of heavy steering etc. they now make a ski saver which bolts on the bottom of the skin,it acta like less carbide,because it in fact goes over the carbide which in turns takes some of the carbide area out,slydog skis have the same method of reducing ski pressure,and by the same token the have a plate that bolts up onto the ski bottom,or skin that you mount the carbide to,that adds 1/4 to 3/8 depth to the keel,which makes it much harder to turn,more for snowcross,but like mentioned there saddle has three mounting holes for different feeling at the bars,as well there new x2 has a shorter tail for quicker turning,and than you can add some tail feathers for more direction,also you can add some more rocker to the bottom,so if you like to adjust for different types of trails and conditions like i do,this is the ski for you,i am installing it on my 06 apex rtx this fall,as soon as i get them,they come with shaper bars. :jump:
Don't forget that USI also sells "Power steering plates." It's a simple $15 add-on that USI designed for their skis to specifically reduce the steering effort, if you find it is an issue for you. I've found most who complained about their heavy steering did not run these plates or weren't even aware they were available...

Like any other ski, it's setup, setup, setup. Very few skis can just be bolted on and run as-is without some poor handling traits. You gotta tweak, adjust, and modify either the skis, the sled, or both 'till you find the sweet spot. USI's are very good skis when properly set up.
