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Where are all the people with Incredibly reliable sources now? lol

I bet in two years when a new model is released every one with the "reliable" source will be coming out of the wood work trying to say "I told you so"
So much for the BIG announcement!!! Nothing BIG here except my waistline!!! Well, looks like I am keeping what I have for awhile. To bad, Yammi, you had a lot of people out there with their hopes up and their checkbooks ready!! :die
I'm SO dissapointed!!

Better hand warmers (which should have been fixed years ago), longer track Nytro MTX, and BNG.... that's the best you can do for 2010 Yamaha?!?!? Oh yea, I almost forgot the most important upgrade, the price went UP!! I'm SO dissapointed! Ski Doo is coming to get you Yamaha! Beware!

Oh well, I guess the bright side is, I won't have to spend any money in 2010 for a new sled, unless I can't resist the new SkiDoo fourstroke long track. Now I can concentrate on my 07 and shave-off some more pounds and have a much better sled than the guy that buys a new 2010. Thanks Yamaha!

Max ;):D
I to am dissappointed, thought maybe something bigger. Turbo or SOMETHING!!!! I hate to say it but To me it appears Yamaha got left in the Dust For 2010. But look at it this way Yamaha saved us all Big BUCKS, I wont be buying new this year!!!
Y...A...W...N But then again, WE hyped this event up NOT Yamaha.
Still no gas tank on the XTX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I don't believe these guys even ride snowmobiles at Yamaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I give up all hope!



I like the black xtx, but for me to trade for acolor choice. Na. I can paint my own sled for way less than what I'd lose on a trade-in. BNG. WE can all do this ourself. Yamaha won't get a dollar outa me for the rest of this year or next. With a failing economy a WOW factor might have peeked some interest in the want catagory to stimulate my urge to buy some thing. I'm sure I'm not the only account yamaha will lose. Strive and drive keeps my life going. Always looking ahead. Ho hum and being afraid keeps a company on the steady down slope. Yamaha's been doing this for as long as I can remeber. I won't turn to another brand as I love reliability and bleed blue. I'm just disapointed and have nothing to talk about. Yamaha sunk my interest. I'll work on my own ideas for next year and convince my buddies that Yamaha is soo good they don't don't have to change much. FUDGE ME, MUDDERPUCKER!!!
4Fighter said:
Y...A...W...N But then again, WE hyped this event up NOT Yamaha.

True! But anyhow, Yamaha did not step up this year. They will loose a big amount of buyers this year. I am one for sure, hade thoughts of trading my MPI RTX -08 for a new model. Probably ending up going Doo with turbo....
The Gen 2 front end on the APex refers to the orignal RX-1, I assume. The Apex upgraded to the Vector geometry from the RX. A lot of nerve for them to claim this "improvement" now, theree years later.
Maybe because the cost of rice went up they couldn't afford to feed their engineers so they just slapped on new decals and bought some kimpex wheels with bearings in them....Looks like another year of broken pivot arms and aftermarket skis...That's also why they probably changed their color from blue to red because of the embarrassment of the 2010's. :o|
My guess is even if they did have something up their sleeves for this year, they held off so dealers could unload all of the 09's (and even 08's) that they are sitting on - if they would have brought out a 150hp Nytro, they would be sitting on current stock for a long, long time!!!
