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WNYS Yamaha ride----January 18-21


TY 4 Stroke Master
Oct 10, 2003
Western NY.
Hello All, Gordon and I were talking about doing a ride in my neck of the woods, that is if we have snow. What does everyone think? I can certainly show you some nice trails in a number of different counties. We were thinking about Jan 18,19,20, 21
There is a motel in Gowanda and is on the trail, with gas and food within sight. I live about ten minutes from there.
Let me know if there is any interest, and we can work on details.I will check out info with motel owner, he is a friend of mine.
Of course if theres no snow we can move it to Mapledale? Looking foward to riding! Honk

Hopefully we will have good snow for those days. You can count me in Honk.
Confused, We had a 4 day NY TY ride just south of South of Syracuse last year in the beginning of March. A great time was had by all who attended. We change places every year. Honk I am in for all 4 days. I will see if Steve is going and I will try and room with him. I have been looking forward to a Western NY ride for some time. I hope the Erie Lake snow machine really cranks up this December and January. Do you know what the cancellation policy is for the Hotel you mentioned? BBW
Guys, I'm gonna talk to them about the cancel policy, and will get back with more details.
I am interested in making this western NY ride. For any guys in the eastern 1/2 of Pennsylvania that would like to cut their gasoline travel expenses in half, please send me a PM. I would prefer to travel and team up for the commute.
I was just coming on to post about getting a group ride established for January! LOL

I'm definitely in as I too have always wanted to ride the trails in the area.
Well if RX-1Man is in..the you can darn well count me in too!! Western NY sounds about right. You getting the 2 other musketeers on board?

As I talked about with Gordon.....keep these dates booked solid. Catt County (or Alleghany Cty) is the location. Hit or miss with snow over that way. like BBW says, that Lk Erie LES machine has to be kicking good and I hope it does!

IF for whatever reason there is no or lack of snow over in Catt cty area, move to "plan B", which will be somewhere else there is snow, whether is be Tug Hill, Cortland Cty area in southern tier.....or wherever else. Plan B we can play by ear as the date gets closer. Ummmmmmmm, except for Cranberry Lake...unless everyone brings a spare set of skis and 2 spare sets of carbide runners. Sorry Nick!
was that northern ride rough on equipment last year? Oh yea I remember now!
NY AttakGT said:
Well if RX-1Man is in..the you can darn well count me in too!! Western NY sounds about right. You getting the 2 other musketeers on board?

Thanks for making me feel so darn important ;)! I'll bring it up to the two musketeers but won't hold my breath that they will be able to take the time off to go out. I'm putting in for the time off today, let's ride.
Hey Honk...hope all is well. I should be able to meet up for this ride at some point over the four days you have listed. I should have a few other guys as well. I'll keep an eye on this thread for updates. Let me know if you need any help with anything.
Sounds good MC, maybe meet up at the lake, and then take us down past peakin peak.Talk to ya soon.
O maybe I saw u guys last year... How fast do u guys ride tho do u just cruise or do u guys ride aggressive and go on the drift if we pass them
Confused? said:
O maybe I saw u guys last year... How fast do u guys ride tho do u just cruise or do u guys ride aggressive and go on the drift if we pass them

Cruise is never a word I've heard used on our rides :nos
