16 xtx le. Rear evol will hit idler!!

Gentlemen. PROBLEM SOLVED! I must start off by saying what a great group of guys work at Hygear. Without turning this into an ad for them, I have to tell you that I trust no else to give me the answers I need. Their customer service, attention to detail and ability to solve and be willing to want to solve a problem is by far the best I have ever encountered. So with that said..... Yamaha's answer to the evol reservoir is to take off the idler wheel. Hygear fixed this by replacing the cap on the evol. Bringing the chamber off axis I believe by 20 some degrees. This will allow you to keep the wheels, still have easy access to the rebound adjustment, keep it from rubbing the top of the track if it was clocked at 90 degrees AND allow you to install the Hygear linkage kit. For the linkage kit to work they also had to engineer and produce a new bracket to fit the rear control arm since the arm on the 16 is different this year. There were a lot of man hours involved in making this possible. But I will tell you that through every step of the process, Ross at Hygear was in constant communication. Even sent me a video of the first bracket being laser cut to fit my control arm! Word of caution if you are going to clock the cap. Do not do it yourself. The fox float evol requires an experienced person to do this. Here are some pics of the final product w the linkage installed. Can't wait to ride it! This forum has helped me many times over the years. I'm glad I was able to give back to the community and let you guys know of the possible catastrophe waiting for you on your first ride and that there is a good solid fix for it.
Gentlemen. PROBLEM SOLVED! I must start off by saying what a great group of guys work at Hygear. Without turning this into an ad for them, I have to tell you that I trust no else to give me the answers I need. Their customer service, attention to detail and ability to solve and be willing to want to solve a problem is by far the best I have ever encountered. So with that said..... Yamaha's answer to the evol reservoir is to take off the idler wheel. Hygear fixed this by replacing the cap on the evol. Bringing the chamber off axis I believe by 20 some degrees. This will allow you to keep the wheels, still have easy access to the rebound adjustment, keep it from rubbing the top of the track if it was clocked at 90 degrees AND allow you to install the Hygear linkage kit. For the linkage kit to work they also had to engineer and produce a new bracket to fit the rear control arm since the arm on the 16 is different this year. There were a lot of man hours involved in making this possible. But I will tell you that through every step of the process, Ross at Hygear was in constant communication. Even sent me a video of the first bracket being laser cut to fit my control arm! Word of caution if you are going to clock the cap. Do not do it yourself. The fox float evol requires an experienced person to do this. Here are some pics of the final product w the linkage installed. Can't wait to ride it! This forum has helped me many times over the years. I'm glad I was able to give back to the community and let you guys know of the possible catastrophe waiting for you on your first ride and that there is a good solid fix for it.
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Nice! Just to be clear though. You would not have to convert to the Hygear linkage to use the clocked cap? Or would you? I see they also located the shock down quite a bit. Also the reason you would NOT do this at home is because that shock has rebound adjustment. If you were to remove the cap without removing the gas charge there would be parts and oil flying all over.
Correct. You would not have to use the prolink. Just the cap if you wanted to keep the wheels. But if you're gonna do the cap why wouldn't you do the linkage? It's the best thing since sliced bread for this sled according to all that have installed it on the older vipers and cats. And yes. Parts would fly everywhere!!! And shock just looks lower in front. It's just all zip tied down so I can put it back in the sled.
Shock is on same bolt the rods are on one end. Used to be in hole above it.
Another Yamaha shock fiasco fixed at the expense of the consumer.

Go Hygear! ;)! Looks to me like they just used the same cap that the front Evols use.

Now why the #$%&* Yamacat could not have gotten together with Fox to determine a REAL solution.
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Another Arctic Cat shock fiasco fixed at the expense of the consumer.

Go Hygear! ;)! Looks to me like they just used the same cap that the front Evols use.

Now why the #$%&* Arctic Cat could not have gotten together with Fox to determine a REAL solution.

Fixed it for you..
How did you fixt this problem? was it fixed by Yamaha?
Did I see a service Alert on this site about this?
Yes. Please read above. Basically Yamaha fix is to remove the idler wheels. Hygear fix is to replace the cap. This will allow you to keep the wheels and use their prolink kit.
Yes. Please read above. Basically Yamaha fix is to remove the idler wheels. Hygear fix is to replace the cap. This will allow you to keep the wheels and use their prolink kit.
Ok . so did you have to buy tha cap or was it provided for you? I seen the a pdf on the site about this fix but can't fine it now.
Ah. Sorry. Yes I was kinda prototype number 1 with them. If the kit is not ready yet it will be very soon. They will have available for purchase a cap for the top of the shock. This will need to be installed by someone that is very familiar w fox floats w rebound. The cap will clock the evol res approx 30deg. The kit should be avail soon. If you call Hygear they are super friendly and will tell you all the options. You can do cap only or you can do the whole kit. Hope this helps you
That's awsome!!!! I'm famous now!! Hahahahah. That's my skid. But yes. That's the fix!!
They should call it the mshabaz memorial float cap...... ewe that sounds passed tense! how about the $90 mshabaz cap?
How did you fixt this problem? was it fixed by Yamaha?
Did I see a service Alert on this site about this?
Yamaha fixed it and their fix is free and actually saves you money when the other Idler wheel fails you have a spare to replace it with!!!!
This stuff is supposed to be built and tested prior to release...

While it is just speculation, I would assume that this cap is a production part from the Fox parts bin and Hygear just took the initiative to test and develop the fix. Nothing AC or Yamaha couldn't have done had they not been lazy.

I'm really surprised that Yamaha has not cleaned house in the US snowmobile division. It is clearly very poorly managed. The WAY overly long and drawn out starter fiasco, the RTX LE shock bait/switch, this suspension/shock issue, and sending the performance dampers loose, after the fact, late, and no allowance for dealer install time. I mean come on someone needs to be in charge of addressing these issues promptly and correctly.
