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(season 2007/08) tymilage maim (warrior)


Staff member
Jun 1, 2004
sudbury on
2016 apex xtx
2011 apex xtx
2009 phaser rtx/x
1997 et410t/r
1988 vk 540
start milage 1421 km
day milage 121km
date dec 16 07

starting milage


i was supposed to go and meet up with my youngest brother to go rideing in north bay as their trails where open. other brothers viper was still in peices so i volunteered to stay behind and try to finish it. got a lot of work done but still needed more parts to finish. so being the generous guy that i am i sent my brother kirkswim (on 2stroke side) out rideing in my place. the trails where pure powder and the war ended up leading the waymost of the day. they played off trail mostly and stuck the warrior only the once.

pic of the sled


along the trail






end odo


bro had a good time and returned my sled all iced up.

dec 30 ride 07

start milage 1532 km

end milage 1551 km

total milage today 19 km

milage to date 140 km

puttering around on the lake, jumping spot.

got up as i normaly do on a sunday. was waiting for a buddy to call as we where supposed to work on his sled in garage. around 1pm he had not called or showed up. i said too bad and went to unload my sled from p/u as i had taken it to work to check the skid and install olin's in it.

as i am unloading from my truck, he arrives. i ask him "do you want to wrench or sled?". he answerd "sled" of course. as both his sled's do not run at that time; we haul out my et410 (betsy) for him to drive. he goes home and grabs his gear while i check the old girl out. other than gas we are gtg.

off we go to the gas station. filled sleds up and asked him where he wanted to go next. the jumping spot was his answer.

we get there and proceed to check it out and find out whitch way the drifts are hard atm. then we grab some air.

we check the time and decide to go back to work on his "little bugger" sled before dark. he tightens cdi and it fires up. get it over to garage and it dies before he gets helmet on to take it for a spin on the lake.

pulled arm off but she will not run. put the skates under it and wheel it into garage.

call it quits for the day and put the sleds away.

gettin gas


the jumping spot on whitewater lake


getting air on betsy and war



lake pick's



little bugger. 500cc custom motor and 144 trail studs. revs to 10,000 rpm and you need to hold on.


home in the barn for betsy.


end odo.


was a good day to ride.
january 1 /08 ride

starting odo 1551km

ending odo 1640 km

total milage today 89 km

trip was on whitewater lake azilda, lively trail and chelmsford trail's

started the day miserable with a cold. bros buddy phoned at 11:20 am wanting to go sledding. i had no problem with that. couldn't get ahold of bro so we arranged to meet on whitewater lake at the park. as i got there early i diid a few runs to see how clutching was. rpms where right on for the conditions i had.

they arrive. he is on his 03 rev 800 with a fresh motor and she is on her 600 rev that is brand new. take a nice easy run down the lake. everything seems fine (for doos anyways) so we head to the jumping spot.

get a couple of passes in, take some pics of his wife jumping her sled and him fixing his.

as they still have time with baby sitter we head for the lively trail exit off of the lake. take them all the way down to the mine head frame. find out that they have been trying to signal me to turn around for the last 10 min. oops.

head back at a good clip now that i know where holes in trail are. take the short cut across pump lake for some wot to save time.

get back out to lake and see i am loosing the ski rubber on r/s. wave good-by and we head our separate ways home.

get home to find that my youngest brother is home with his sled. took a 30min break and suited back up to go out again. get outside to find my other brother is here with his buddy alex from ottawa. asked alex if he wants to come.......of course it is a yes. dig out betsy while he suits up. asked bro where he wants to go. "jumping spot" is the answer, so back i go again.

get there and cannot find the sweet spot to jump so we decide to do the chelmsford loop using the old trail and the new one. sent alex out 1st with instuctions to stay along left shore and go as fast as you feel comfortable whitch is wot on betsy. wait 2 min then blast past him 50' to his right and wait for him at trail. he said all he saw was a black blur go past him.

trail was not too bad other than the open streams. on the 3rd one i hit a submerged log with the left ski and flipped the sled onto the r/s in slow motion. almost got it back up before it quit but missed and got belt wet in process. dragged it out and moved it far enough for bro to have room. he skipped sxr across and the skipped betsy across as alex did not know enough to skip a sled at this spot.

came out of trail behind tim hortons in chelmsford. took the shortcut behind the mall to the trail crossing at the tracksby regional rd 15 (i think). trail was well brushed out and pretty smooth for not too much snow for grooming. had to skip 3 creeks here as well. met 2 guys on elans on this strech of trail whitch was a bit of a suprise with the creeks as they where.

getting close to supper time so we pointed the sleds towards home. had to stop and help a g-2 driver push his car out of ditch. very little pushing was involved as his buddy was there with a 4x4 but no tow strap. i knew riding with doos would come in handy some day. hauled the tow strap out of betsy and hooked em' up. find out after he is out he only had g-2 for 2 weeks :moon: .

after making shure he was gone we carried on home. of course i won through superior tecnology ;)! .

the park on whitewater lake


pics of the ice hut village by the park



war on the dock at the boat launch.


bob in natural doo rider position.


mel getting air and lookin good.


mel lookin at bob with a "isn't that thing fixed yet?" look.


bro showing cb arms he bent off trail last year.


to be continued
more pics

bro taking betsy through the creek where i flipped war.


water crossing on new trail from chelmsford.


cory (ls) and alex with sleds.



only reason for hood up on a yammy is to get the tow rope out for car or other reasons :jump:




betsy at end of the ride.


the war back in the shelter.


end odo.


sleds ran well. i just need to adjust the transfer on the warrior so i can avoid future ski plants at the wrong time. :o|
jan 9-13 ty ride

start odo 1640km
friday start odo 1854km
saturday start odo 2088km
saturday finish odo 2271km

total milage ridden 631km

i am a total slacker at times and i know it. finally have a bit of time so i decided to start update. i will not post all the pics as they are linked in the ty ride section as well.

this ride started for me back in december as that is how much notice i had to give to get the time off in january. now as posted above i did get some short rides in before i left just to confirm that i at least had my sled working right.

when i left on wensday jan 9, i almost flipped my sled loading it into my truck as the snowbanks where melting under my sled as i tried to load it. determined to go wheather there was snow or not i loaded up with 2 sets of gear, spare parts, and enough books in my pack that i could relax wheater there was snow or not in muni. other than a slight detour onto some back roads (mud and water ye ha) the trip was uneventful other than a check engine light on the p/u whitch i fixed before i unloaded my sled.

the snow was way better here than what i had at home when i left. looks to be a hard dy on sliders but i came to sled and sliders are cheap.

met sledhead, sled heads girl, nate007, chadg, maddlx, familyman, viper dave, tomseal and grandpas rage that night in the garage. gave and got a hand as needed from everyone there and had a good time untill bed time at 3:00am. too bad about viper daves collar bone whitch he had broken earlier in the day.

you will have to forgive me a little on place name as my memory sucks. thus am we all left algers at 9:00am and tried for breakfast. the 1st place we tried was not open untill noon. we ended up having breakfast in shingleton. we spent the day mostly exploring off of trail 8 and warming up hyfax untill after lunch when it softened up. got some good pics. we decided to go to christmas for steak for supper. the only mistake was taking the munsing town trail to christmas. that was awful. my sled and chadg's over heated. made it the rest of the way and had a good supper. took trail 8 back to algers with some stops for snow on the way as the trail was crusting up..

back at the hotel others where arriving as we where in the garage changeing the melted hyfax from that morning. big thanks to tom (aka mr sled for helping me set up my rear suspension. to all of you i met and didn't list, i am sorry but it was still great meeting you. off to bed at 3am again to get up for 10am fri.

at 10 we all met in the parking lot to head to shingleton for breakfast less familyman and maddlx as they had headed out to land o lakes at 8am. now my memory gets fuzzy but i think we headed for grand marias from shingleton. i found out in a heck of a hurry that the pace from the day before was slower than your usual pace. 80mph is wayy faster than we go here in northern ontario that is for damn shure! headed back a different way with a little brush clearing from a windfall. we went to beartrap for supper and it was good.

on the way down trail 8 from bear trap we had a little case of loosing the guy in front of you. as i was following pro116 grandpas rage and toms brother, we missed the turn for algers and ended up in shingleton. as we where chasing ryan (pro116) he ran away from usand i had to confirm the turn off to tom's brother. as gerry (grandpas rage) knew it was the right turnoff he darted ahead. boy can he ride. we chased him and i do mean chase, back to the hotel. a couple extra miles never hruts. met in the garage againand helped tomseal, who i am totally at fault for not waking him up to ride with us, fix his mountain apex whitch as we could figure had a freak track slap causeing it to eat the right rail hyfax. got it fixed up and stayed up untill 3am again.

10 am sat rolls around and after i toss tomseal out of the room we meet in the parking lot at algers for the sat am ride. meet budda and yamayouper. off to shingleton we go for breakfast. it was fun watching the young guys walk in past that fleet of yamahas and drools over 1crazy sledders apex. we see they are on yamahas so tom goes over and talks to them. you almost think they saw elvis as the shock was that visible from our table.

we head out to do ( i think it is called) the lake superior view trail. lost the group as they stopped for no apparent reason at an interscetion. stopped in a town (forgot name) for gas and a rootbeer. headed back the scenic way and had the 1st breakdown of the trip. it was the rented cat chadg's buddy rented. seized the primary about 1/2 shut on the belt. could not get the belt off so they went back to town with ryan and chadg while we carried on. sopped and took a group pic at the scenic lookout.

looked at the time and gina's husband set the pace on the way back as he wanted to watch the packers game and we where running tighter than he liked. while on the way back we where passed by a group of cats who roosted me. gerry got them at the road crossing where they stopped though. thanks bud ;)! . we suffered our 2nd casualty of the whole trip not too long after. gerry blew the belt on his rage right after a road crossing. i wondered why i smelt rubber for the last mile. we made it back just in time i think for the kickoff.

while everyone else was watching the game tomseal and myself went out for a little rip. as he had his srx there and i had never ridden one he offered to let me try it. we went out for about an hour and a half on trail 8 as it was the only trail i knew a little. i had a blast and was very impressed with that srx. makes me wish i had bought one of those instead of the war.

got back in time to see the last few minutes of the game after whitch we went to supper at the steak house in christmas. after a good meal some of us headed back to meet at the garage. we had a good time and i helped gerry change the hyfax on his rage. tomseal and others got back to the hotel a lot later than we did.

we had gotten 1' of snow between fri and sat am. wake up sunday to a snow storm to drive home in. gave those who needed a hand some help as i loaded up earlier. snow turned a 6hr trip home into 8 without my locking my keys in the truck in sault ste marie, oops. no real problems other than icing over the rad once from following a transport too close.

it was great meeting all of you and i hope to see you all next year at one of the rides.

odo pics

thurs end

friday end

saturday end

more pics in next window.
more muni ride pics

wensday in garage

check viper daves outfit


thursday on trail


thursday in garage

more yet
friday morning

friday afternoon


saturday along the trail



sunday morning loading up and driving home


more pics are linked in the ty rides section. had a great time and hope to see you all again next year.
jan 26 ride

ride date jan 26 /08

start odo 2271km
end odo 2398km
milage ridden 127km

ride: the d trail from azilda to windy lake hotel and returned the same route

brother from the 2 stroke side (kirkswim) calls me thursday and asks what i am doing on saturday. since conditions had improved, i told him riding. as that is what he wanted to do we where all set other than the destination. i was the one who suggested windy lake hotel as a compromise as he did not feel like rideingto cartier.

left the house at 1:00pm after he unloaded and got geared up. trail condiotins for the most part where very good considering conditions. almost all the creeks had frozen over and the trail was recently groomed from the fresh snow we had had during the week. we stopped to help a fellow yamaha rider behind the mall in chelmsford. he was riding a venture 600 twin with the auto adjust carbs. it started as a over heating problem but ended up with a blown mag side cyl. got him into the parking lot at the mall and we where on our way. there was only one bad section of trail as there was not enough snow to pack in the one swamp/creek for the groomer to get at it. it is the section between fairbanks lake and windy lake just off of fairbanks end of the trail.

we ran through with ease and took most of my little shortcuts to shave some time. most of the shortcuts are on a lake where you can ignore the 50kph signs on the trail and open the sled up ;)! . generally cuts off 1/2 hr to 45min off of the trip. stopped for a late lunch around 3:30 at windy lake motel. the burger and fries where excellent.

headed back same way we came as there is no other groomed trail another way anymore. stopped a little more fequently so i could take some trail pics as well as pics of the sleds and some sinage on the way back. one thing i did notice is that kirk's viper with the 136" ripsaw runs away from my warrior in the powder on windy lake. get it on the trail though and he is lunch.

all in all it was a good day and a great ride.

odo end pic


fueling up in chelmsford

kirkswim checking coolers and tube on venture


kirk with viper and trail shot where venture was


more pics in next window.
kirswim with sleds at signpost on windy lake


windy lake golf course

sleds waiting until lunch is over

trail entrance from windy lake to fairbanks

trail intersection from ministic lake road to windy lake trail


sign post at fairbanks with lake shots



on to the next ride.
Nice pics maim :) keep em coming.

Do you live close to 1CrazySledder?
Whose garage?
His sled is a piece of art :)

I hope your sledding season will be long and your trails will hold up well.

that was a pic in the garage at algers on the ty ride.

i live in nothern ontario and i think 1cs is in wisconsin.

i am going to post up some more tonight as i have been slacking on the posting a bit. want to get up to family day (new holiday in feb in on)weekend pics up
nice post cam! looks like winter is over down here in chicago area. time to summerize the sleds!
thanks. i am behind though. going to post up more tonight as last post was early feb and it is march now.
ride date weekend feb 2-3/08

start odo 2398km
end odo 2447km
milage today 49km

trip d-trail to vermilion lake, shortcut trail from vermilion lake to fairbanks lake and back down the d-trail to azilda.

trails are in good shape

buddy dayrl phoned me asking what i was doing. as i had planned on going for a ride i invited him along. we tried to start his drag sled (yellow doo pictured above) but it was a no go for that sled. hauled out betsy for him to ride and i proceeded to clean off the war as it had snowed during the week.

fueled up and headed out along the D-trail for vermilion. almost at vermilion we got stopped and checked by the police for trail passes etc. as all was good we carried on. got out on the lake and stopped so dayrl could have a smoke by some neat icicles we found on the shoreline.

asked dayrl what he wanted to do. he asked me whitch way was the best through the bush and i said we would have to take the shortcut trail to fairbanks. then we would loop over and go back on the groomed trail to head home.

the short-cut trail was in good shape considering it is not groomed and lots of short track sled's lump it up. on the way back on the groomed trail we found where a culvert had washed out. daryl went around in the bottom and i jumped it. take a break for another smoke and warn some sledders about the ditch.

headed for home from here. i even let dayrl ride the war home for a bit as i rode betsy. no need to worry about him keeping up to me now! put the sleds away and called it a good day's riding.

odo pic

war pic before i cleaned it off

vermilion lake pic

sleds by icicles

dayrl and icicles

more picks

dayrl going around

me jumping culvert

on to the next ride
