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Season 2009-10 TY Mileage- rxrider- Maine, Quebec, Norway

Riding season is getting closer. Last days of sun caught on film, in a few days we're entering the polar night, sun will be away until January 17th.

Here's a few pics from the last few days of sunshine this year.



We actually had 1/2" of snow on the ground :)



The last day of sunshine.



We drove inland this past weekend. There's some snow higher up inland and the lakes have frozen over.





The rivers are not frozen yet.


Last year at the same date we had enough snow to ride, this year not so, but it's close at altitude. Think snow.
Winter is here


We got snow - yiiieieieieieieihahaaaa
ok ok, just because your a moderator doesn't mean you can harass us with all that snow...... :o|

haha any ways that's cool, no sun until jan. today it was 57*f outside. Iam dieing for snow to try my zx2 out.

It's crazy... now it's above freeze by a few degree and it's blowing like crazy, gusting at gail force every now and then. If it continues like this it's going to be all ice and water by the morning. I was a little too quick to celebrate winter :-()
Yeah we've already lost what we had twice, the third time would suck big time. It's still +2C above freeze.
Ride: 1 and 2

Date: January 2-3 and 9-10.
Sled: My brother-in-laws 2007 RTX
Distance: 16 kms or 10 miles


'08 Apex RTX
Start odo: 2436 kms or 1514 miles
End odo: kms or miles
Mileage so far: kms or miles

'07 Apex RTX - Brother-in-laws sled
Mileage so far: 16 kms or 10 miles

'03 RX-1 Turbo
Start odo: 14611 kms or 9080 miles
End odo: 0 kms or 0 miles
Mileage so far: 0 kms or 0 miles

Total mileage 2009-2010: 16 kms or 10 miles

My sleds are still not ready to ride. In the meantime I have borrowed my brother-in-laws 2007 Apex RTX the last few weekends to ride up to our cabin on Lake Gagga.

Here's a few pics I've taken so far. Outside our cabin, getting ready to leave for a ride down to the lake.



Sold my open trailer this evening, gotta order a new trailer tomorrow. I'm going with a much larger trailer capable of taking at least 2 sleds and my Nila sleigh, or 1 sled and my Rekka timber sleigh. It will be a closed trailer this time, I'm fed up getting my sled dirty when towing :-( and it is nice to be able to work on the sled beeing inside the trailer :)

Not much to say... I've got the season started at least, a few miles on the snow is better not having been on the snow at all. Nice to visit the cabin together with wifey and the girls.

We will have the sun back fully over the horizon approx January 21th with the first rays on January 17th.

We have some daylight now, starting at 9 AM with daylight from 10 AM to 1:30 PM getting pretty dark at 2:30 PM and pitch black from around 3 PM.

We have a few good hours of riding at this time of the year. Mid November to mid January we ride mostly in the dark, but from mid April we have daylight with only a few hours where the sun is down, early May and we are only weeks away from the midnight sun :) This is the best light for riding anywhere in the world except for other locations in the Polar part of the Arctica which will be the same or better. Northern part of Greenland and the islands of Svalbard will have the midnight sun from mid April.
Ride: 3

Date: January 23-24.
Sled: '08 Apex RTX
Distance: 33 kms or 20 miles
Start odo: 2436 kms or 1514 miles
End odo: 2469 kms or 1534 miles


'08 Apex RTX
Start odo: 2436 kms or 1514 miles
End odo: 2469 kms or 1534 miles
Mileage so far: 33 kms or 20 miles

'07 Apex RTX - Brother-in-laws sled
Mileage so far: 16 kms or 10 miles

'03 RX-1 Turbo
Start odo: 14611 kms or 9080 miles
End odo: kms or miles
Mileage so far: 0 kms or 0 miles

Total mileage 2009-2010: 49 kms or 30 miles

First ride of the season with the Apex, weekend up at the cabin on Lake Gagga.

Start odo.


Loading up the sled and the Nila sleigh. We're using my brother-in-laws trailer, it's a open trailer barely large enough to take my gear. I have just ordered a closed trailer measuring 195 x 440 cm inside, just large enough to take all our gear and then some :)



Wifey up at the cabin. It was fairly cold -20C or below 0F that day.


We're on our way out for a sunday ride, notice the amount of daylight we have at 1PM.


End trip.


End odo.

I like the Nila sleigh. I have a open one made of wood (traditional sleigh) but it´s not too comfy for the kids. How good does it follow yoyr sleds track when towing it?

It's one of the best sleds to tow, it's about the same width as the skis on the sled. It run 100% straight behind the sled, and it will accept pretty high speeds and still run straight :)
I would recommend it.
Ride: 4 - Riding near Eagle Lake, Maine, USA. First ride, flatlanders in training :)

Date: February 19.
Sled: '09 Venture GT
Distance: 98 kms or 61 miles
Start odo: 7539 kms or 4686 miles
End odo: 7637 kms or 4747 miles


'09 RS Venture GT
Start odo: 7539 kms or 4686 miles
End odo: 7637 kms or 4747 miles
Mileage so far: 98 kms or 61 miles

'08 Apex RTX
Start odo: 2436 kms or 1514 miles
End odo: 2469 kms or 1534 miles
Mileage so far: 33 kms or 20 miles

'07 Apex RTX - Brother-in-laws sled
Mileage so far: 16 kms or 10 miles

'03 RX-1 Turbo
Start odo: 14611 kms or 9080 miles
End odo: kms or miles
Mileage so far: 0 kms or 0 miles

Total mileage 2009-2010: 147 kms or 91 miles

I started packing my suitcase a few days ahead of departure. Our persian kitty Nan want to come with me.


The flight to Philadelphia.......our flight in from Oslo was delayed but luckily we made it thru Munich Airport, Passport Control, and every other controls and screenings there is barely in time to catch the flight to Philadelphia, we boarded with only 4 minutes to spare puhhhhh what a rush. Well onboard we found ourselves shareing 6 seats from C to H on the same row as the cabin attendant said pick whatever seats you like as long as you hurry up guys, we're about to start up the engines :)

As soon we were up we ordered beer and vodka.


Up at flight level 39000ft


Thomas don't drink beer so he was shotting Finlandia's like water, he doesn't like to fly either so the small bottles was his medicine as well as boose.


We're having a party :drink: :drink: :drink:



We had music, radio, movies and TV on the flight. In addition we also had a GPS map with distance travelled, flight level, temps outside, ground speed, est time of arrival, CET and EST time.





The party continued into the night....




Odd-Steffen got tired of partying and had a power nap LOL


I'm still up and it's morning and I'm still up, we're closing in on North America.



Just about arriving in Philadelphia.


After passing the US immigrations and customs we flew up to Bangor and arrived there 10PM US time. Bob arrived soon after and picked us up, we were 30 minutes early because of perfect flying conditions.

Arriving at Bob's home in Eagle Lake.


Bob served Bud's in MackØl glasses he got from me last summer :)



Outside Bob's house looking down towards Eagle Lake.


Bob's sleds. I'm riding his '09 RS Venture GT.


Odd-Steffen and Thomas arriving after picking up the rentals, Bob "Boost Bob" Darrah is the pathfinder leading them from the Rental to Bob's house.



Bob's wife Susan had left us a box full of surprices, we had enough Wicked Woopie Pies for the whole stay :)


First ride, FlatLanders In Training, guys are getting ready to ride.


Start odo.


We rode around on Eagle Lake for a while ending up in the oppsite end of the lake. We took a break close to the cabin where the trail exits the lake.


Eagle Lake was flat and smooth :)


After noon we stopped by the race track at Eagle Lake to check out Bob's friends testing their race sled. From the left:
Odd-Steffen, Bob Darrah (aka Boost Bob the sled owner), Thomas, Jan-Ove (rxrider), in front working on the computer is Danny Landry (the tuner and race pilot)


The race sled


Up at Eagle Lake Club House.



End odo.


After the initial ride we headed back home for dinner and some Bud's, give me beer :)

We had a nice day out on the lake, didn't ride too far but enough to get into riding the Maine type of trails, nice trails so far. Mild weather the last few weeks have made the trails horrible according to Bob, hahahahah your worst trails are better than our best trails, I'm happy with it LOL.

More to come :) :yam: LaLaLa :pics:
Ride: 5 - Riding near Eagle Lake, Maine, USA. Second ride, flatlanders in training part 2.

Date: February 20.
Sled: '09 Venture GT
Distance: 150 kms or 93 miles
Start odo: 7637 kms or 4747 miles
End odo: 7787 kms or 4840 miles


'09 RS Venture GT
Start odo: 7539 kms or 4686 miles
End odo: 7787 kms or 4840 miles
Mileage so far: 248 kms or 154 miles

'08 Apex RTX
Start odo: 2436 kms or 1514 miles
End odo: 2469 kms or 1534 miles
Mileage so far: 33 kms or 20 miles

'07 Apex RTX - Brother-in-laws sled
Mileage so far: 16 kms or 10 miles

'03 RX-1 Turbo
Start odo: 14611 kms or 9080 miles
End odo: kms or miles
Mileage so far: 0 kms or 0 miles

Total mileage 2009-2010: 297 kms or 184 miles

Second day of our "Flatlanders in training practice". We started the day with one of Bob's specialities, Squared egges, Maine style :)




It was a beautiful sunny morning on the Lake. Pic shot outside Bob's house.


We dressed up and go ourselves ready to go riding.


Start odo.


Out in the Potato fields north and east of Eagle Lake.


Fuel stop.


We continued north until we entered Saint John valley were we had a short break, St.John river ahead.


Thomas, Odd-Steffen and Bob.


Me and Bob.





We continued past Fort Kent and headed back to Eagle Lake to follow our friends Bob and Danny at the saturday drag race.


The sled to beat, Ski-Doo with CrankShop 1500 on board.


Thomas, Bob Davis and Bob Darrah.


Everyone's got a truck in the US :)


Danny is ready to kick some #*$&@.



Bob Darrah's race sled.




Danny driving back after yet another win, he raced unbeated all day and ended up winning both the 1000 cc open and the open mod unlimited classes beating the Ski-Doo's in both classes :)


All lakes have these huts all over the place, used by fishermen ice fishing.


End odo.


Day two in training is over, we got a few more miles to day. Bob is gradually increasing mileage to get us into Gaspe pace were 200-300 mile days will be common.

:yam: ;)! :-o
