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Sled lift question


Jan 9, 2004
Baldwinsville, NY
Has anyone ever ordered or used the Sled Lift that the Sportsman Guide sells.
Aside from quite a few negative comments posted about this place the cost is pretty darn cheap for a sled lift. They are advertising a sled lift for $169.00 which is a lot cheaper than I've seen anywhere else for one of these. Just wondering if the quality is the same as others and if the place is reputable. I've been watching similar lifts on eBay and they always sell for more than $200.00. If I can pick this up for the advertised price it would be a worthwhile investment. I'm tired of using all sorts of jacks, pulleys and Rube Goldberg devices to get the sled to a workable height instead of bending over to work on it.

I looked at buying one but.If your able to... build your own.


I bought a Eazy Move Lift at this link http://www.eazymovecarts.com/upez/index.html

And it is so nice. I use it on my Attak and RS Vector LTX. You can run the track while up and it goes up high. One thing is to make sure you get the one for the long track because it has an arm you lift up in the back which set perfectly on our machines. So no jerry rigging. Sturdy. The guys there are real helpful and I have found they are no expensive.
