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carbide questoin


Sep 24, 2009
Mississauga, Ontario CANADA
ok just a quick questiong guys i am about to replace my carbides i have ATS arrow skis double runner and i have 2 options 5" 90degrees or 6" 60degrees. what should i get? the sled has 96studs and doesnt turn for s**t. it pushes through the corners like crazy the carbides on there now are done there is nothing left

I think your going to be about equal on those. 90 is sharper and shorter, 60 is longer and not as sharp.

Personally I always go for 90 as long as possible doolies. But in your case anything is better than the flat steel you have now.
rxscot said:
I think your going to be about equal on those. 90 is sharper and shorter, 60 is longer and not as sharp.

Actually 60's are sharper than 90's.

Smaller angle = sharper and more bite.
