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Snowtracker Updates???


Mar 29, 2005
Buffalo, NY
2014 Yamaha Viper LTX
2009 Yamaha Vector LTX
1987 Yamaha Bravo
I have done some searching and alot of people praise the Snowtrackers, but most of the posts are 1 or 2 years old. Is this still the case or have you found something else that works better?

I have an 09 Vector LTX, recently just put Pilot 5.7s with a 7.5 shaper in the middle and does great on hardpack, darts a little but its manageable. But the big problem is the push in the soft snow, I mean only 2 inches and it will push like I am not even turning the handlebars, so my thought was to go back to stock skis and use snowtrackers.

PS my setup is 1 hole up on front strap, front preload is about 1/4" up from loose springs, transfer rod is set at 1 notch above Min.

Thanks! :yam:

Snowtrackers are awesome. They just last two years. I am getting another pair next season. :Rockon:
I just put them on my stock ski's (not shimmed) last weekend but, have not had a chance to try them yet. I will give a report next week.
Last year I had 6.9 pilots on my Nytro XTX with bergstrom triples down the middle and stock 4'ers on the outside. On a hard pack they rail but, yes the push in soft snow.
This is a write-up I posted on them in another thread:

Was given a used set of Snowtrackers to try out from a friend.
Personally, I'm looking at these things and thinking 2 things...

1) They are gonna be REALLY unpredictable, they look so aggressive.
2) They aren't going to be real tough, as they look thin.
(They look tougher in person than the pictures on their site indicate.)

Well, after 1000 miles or so, here is what I've seen with the Snowtrackers.
(All these miles were on groomed or supposedly groomed trails.)

These things TRACK!
They go where you point them. Period.
The only time they haven't, has been on glare ice,
they pushed, same as every used carbide I have ever tried.

One of my fears was unpredictable behavior.
Can say that fear has vanished.
They have not once surprised me other than in a good way.
They have proven to be very predictable.

The Snowtrackers basically eliminate darting same as any dually has for me.
(My best over-all experience with duallys has been with the slim jims.)
(Why anyone would put up with darting is beyond me, get at least duallys & be done with darting.)

However, the Snowtrackers are much more precise when cornering in snow, they simply TURN well!

I started out with little to no ski pressure as I was fearful of them being too aggressive.
Turns out, it was an unfounded fear.
Had to put the ski pressure back in,
Then they really started to work, and work well!

As others have stated, they are easy to steer & I can even ride with one hand.
Not bad, no major compromises & they WORK!
(Actually, haven't seen a compromise yet.)

They also don't catch on Railroad tracks, they skip right over them.
One of my sets of duallys prior had caught on a set of tracks and broken my bulkhead.
If your carbide has a blunt leading edge, would suggest throwing them away and replacing them before they break your bulkhead.
(It's cheaper than a bulkhead.)

The Trackers look so aggressive, everyone that notices them, ask about them.
They all say they look scary aggressive.
(I thought so too, prior to using them.)

So far I have not damaged the Trackers.
Tend to ride pretty aggresive & will ride very marginal conditions with occasional rocks.
(No Snow Prima Donna here... lol)
They(I) have whacked rocks at some serious speeds.
(Worst case, figure I can always straighten them back with a big crescent wrench, but haven't had to yet.)
(Kinda funny, have gotten pretty good at sending rocks flying off the trail, I hit them with just the edge of my ski & off they fly! lol)

So far, so good.
Will be doing a close inspection this week & see how they faired from last week.
Will let you know!

Hope this helps!

Rock :-o
I will 2nd every single comment Rock just made. There is nothing better out there period. Many doubters exist, but none of them have tried Snowtrackers. Anyone who has actually used them will say all the same things Rock just said.

I got 2 seasons out of my 1st set and I ride about 2200 miles a year. Just put a brand new set on my 08 this year.
Rockmeister said:
This is a write-up I posted on them in another thread:

Was given a used set of Snowtrackers to try out from a friend.
Personally, I'm looking at these things and thinking 2 things...

1) They are gonna be REALLY unpredictable, they look so aggressive.
2) They aren't going to be real tough, as they look thin.
(They look tougher in person than the pictures on their site indicate.)

Well, after 1000 miles or so, here is what I've seen with the Snowtrackers.
(All these miles were on groomed or supposedly groomed trails.)

These things TRACK!
They go where you point them. Period.
The only time they haven't, has been on glare ice,
they pushed, same as every used carbide I have ever tried.

One of my fears was unpredictable behavior.
Can say that fear has vanished.
They have not once surprised me other than in a good way.
They have proven to be very predictable.

The Snowtrackers basically eliminate darting same as any dually has for me.
(My best over-all experience with duallys has been with the slim jims.)
(Why anyone would put up with darting is beyond me, get at least duallys & be done with darting.)

However, the Snowtrackers are much more precise when cornering in snow, they simply TURN well!

I started out with little to no ski pressure as I was fearful of them being too aggressive.
Turns out, it was an unfounded fear.
Had to put the ski pressure back in,
Then they really started to work, and work well!

As others have stated, they are easy to steer & I can even ride with one hand.
Not bad, no major compromises & they WORK!
(Actually, haven't seen a compromise yet.)

They also don't catch on Railroad tracks, they skip right over them.
One of my sets of duallys prior had caught on a set of tracks and broken my bulkhead.
If your carbide has a blunt leading edge, would suggest throwing them away and replacing them before they break your bulkhead.
(It's cheaper than a bulkhead.)

The Trackers look so aggressive, everyone that notices them, ask about them.
They all say they look scary aggressive.
(I thought so too, prior to using them.)

So far I have not damaged the Trackers.
Tend to ride pretty aggresive & will ride very marginal conditions with occasional rocks.
(No Snow Prima Donna here... lol)
They(I) have whacked rocks at some serious speeds.
(Worst case, figure I can always straighten them back with a big crescent wrench, but haven't had to yet.)
(Kinda funny, have gotten pretty good at sending rocks flying off the trail, I hit them with just the edge of my ski & off they fly! lol)

So far, so good.
Will be doing a close inspection this week & see how they faired from last week.
Will let you know!

Hope this helps!

Rock :-o
Hi Rock what type were you using Aggressive or semi aggressive? Do they Increase steering effort? I tried simmons gen 2 Skis and they were too aggressive I currently have the stock skis shimmed with 6 " shaper bars and not a 100% satisfied But I am hesitant on dropping $200 plus canadian on the trackers if they increase the steering effort any feedback would be appreciated thanks Hoss
Can't say anything about top end as there on my girlfriends sled but she was able to pull 20mpg us with them if that tells you anything!! Driving speed ranged from 30-80km/h.
Daranello said:
Do they hurt top end.?

Have ran Agressive Snowtackers for a couple years, definately transform the sled as others have attested to here on TY.
As far as top end, no change from what I've experienced, and from a fuel consumtion standpoint, way better than dual carbides of any kind imho.
Going to try 8"Cobraheads to compare though, thinking a single runner would be optimal if it solves the darting/pushing issues as well.
