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  • Hey John good Idea. My email is Christopherson.mark2@mayo.edu. Send me one and I can respond to get us both in each others systems. Mark
    John thanks for the coversation and address. I am Mark Christopherson, 61748 257th ave. Mantorville, MN 52955
    Please call me if you would like to talk more, were limited to 420 characters here which is extremely limiting when discussion complex issues. 586 871-6660. Email is salmonjw@hotmail.com

    I also don't want to discuss this on the Muffinworks site.
    The point I'm trying to make is that the rear suspension does not act as I would consider "normal". The DX suspension is much better than the SE, got one of them too so this is experience speaking but even these shocks suffer from calibration woes. The technician at HYGEAR Suspension told me that I might need to lower the spring rate to fix my SE.
    We have a 2014 base LTX model which I believe is the equivalent of the 2015 LTX DX. I weigh 285 fully clothed and found that there was plenty of adjustment in the rear suspension. However, I have the Yamaha 4 position spring adjuster. At the start of the season I was on position 2, as the shocks broke in I moved the shock to position 3 and that is where it is now.
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