Recent content by bleedyamaha

  1. bleedyamaha

    Is Textron selling Arctic Cat to John Deere?

    Click bait you got me
  2. bleedyamaha

    Last Yamaha Sidewinder auction

    Well that was fun.
  3. bleedyamaha

    Last Yamaha Sidewinder auction

    Anyone bidding. I was guessing it would go for $45k. I see it’s at $41k
  4. bleedyamaha

    Minnesota muffler laws?

    You can put this in General if ya like. Just thought it would get seen more here!
  5. bleedyamaha

    Minnesota muffler laws?

    NEW—Muffler Changes (MINNESOTA STATUTE 84.871 SUBD 1) • Snowmobiles must be equipped at all times with a muffler in good working order that blends the exhaust noise into the overall snowmobile noise and is inconstant operation to prevent excessive or unusual noise. • A snowmobile operated...
  6. bleedyamaha

    Got a kick out this video...

    3 cyl two stroke turbo
  7. bleedyamaha

    No Online Sno Check

    Guess the fun factor on a straight away grab the flipper and the front end likes to float. I understand some don’t like that and adjusting limiter strap makes a difference. The Srx is a lake racer but was just curious if it behaves like a ltx.
  8. bleedyamaha

    No Online Sno Check

    Question. You guys that own a ltx or srx does the front end come off the ground like my rtx 129” or does it stay planted?
  9. bleedyamaha

    Highest Speeds on Sidewinder/Thundercat

    I watched two deer come across the field with every intention to make it to the timber in front of my wife. I couldn’t catch up to her to warn her in time and the deer made it 10 yds in front of her. Scared her pretty bad. Still talks about it all the time. I caught up to some turkeys one time...
  10. bleedyamaha

    Other winter hobbies

  11. bleedyamaha

    Red necks and dirty hands

  12. bleedyamaha

    Midwest snow report

    This warm weather put an idea in my head that I can’t shake. Going to build a 9 hole golf course on my 19 acres I live on. Wth it’s going to be fun.
  13. bleedyamaha

    RIP John Dee!

    really touching story and it sounds like we will get to keep reading in the future!!!!!
  14. bleedyamaha

    She laid over....

    Is it cold enough to be a frozen relay?
  15. bleedyamaha

    Clutch rattle

    Finished up maintenance on my sidewinder. I ran the motor a bit to get oil circulating and check for leaks. I didn’t have the primary on the crank and I was just amazed how smooth this motor sounds. No more diesel. It’s just amazing how bad the primary rattles. You guys with aftermarket...
