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Cars and anything that goes fast!
Clear Lake, IA


Like Pier Genius on facebook!
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Pier-Geni ... 3517486930
Current sleds:
Orange Flame - '17 Sidewinder B-TX SE, 153x1.75" track, 610lbs with half a tank fuel, GSE power steering, Stingray mods rear shock spring, 4 wheel kit, tunnel flares, machined secondary for more top end, 1.5mm secondary grinding to align clutches properly, EZ oil drain, Mo Flow lower belly and knee vents, BOP IC guard Gen 1X, ROV delete

BOB (Boost on Boost) - 06 TWINCHARGED Apex crossover. Impulse Race Mid mount turbo + MPI Stage 1 SC + Direct Port Meth injection, Motec M400 Closed loop boost and fuel control, Vortech BOV, 9T extros, 151" ZX2, 151" Crossover track, powderhound skis, Comp Air 1.0 3081 turbo, SS housings, Dual Tial 38mm external watesgates, 9.2:1 CR, JE 10:1 pistons, GNS rods, 0.040" Head gasket. 10mm ARP head studs, 1050 cc ID injectors and supporting Fuel system, MPI intercooler, LED head lights, Ski doo XP 13 gal trail tank, and seat, Anti Gravity ATX20-HD lithium battery. Goal 590lbs RTR + 450hp
Kinger's Garage YouTube
Old Sled now being converted to ^^ twin charge build: 06 Apex GT, MPI 10lbs, Vortech BOV, 9T extros, 151" ZX2, 151" Crossover track, powderhound skis, MTX floats with Nextech reservoirs. Gems settings M1=2, M2=2.5, M3=5, M4=4.5, M5=1, M6=8, was 690lbs ready to ride

2013 CMX-X 800cc polaris based custom 165" mountain sled, aerocharger T66 turbo, 4 injectors with power commander on 2 top injectors, makes 200hp at 3 psi, 260hp at 10 psi on 100LL AV gas, polaris "Fix" kit pistons, new jugs, less then 500 miles, K mod gen 2 rear skid with raptor shocks. 425lbs dry - wet weight will be coming. Sled is mothballed until a later date for a possible 4 stroke swap...

Killa Bee - 07 Ski doo 600SDI Renegade 136" electric start, with 2 up seat, kids sled that we bought for $500 and fixed up. Youtube series under my channel on the repair.



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