Recent content by wowchad

  1. wowchad

    PB-80 For SideWinder, ready for primetime.

    I'm curious too! I now know 3 guys who have them and haven't heard any feedback. I thought Mike would have SOMETHING to say by now :)
  2. wowchad

    Anyone tried the Powerbloc 80 primary clutch?

    I really like that compressor, do you know what brand that is? I swap A LOT of springs when I calibrate ATV clutches and usually just use my weight, but the twin spring Turbo clutches are impossible without a spring compressor tool. I've been borrowing one off the shelf for the few times I need...
  3. wowchad

    Apex cold start relay

    Just had this issue with our 2010 Nytro too and now I need to check the APEX. Sounds like I'll be ordering these new red solid state relays in bulk :) Problem is the 8GN-81950-00 didn't fit in the Nytro so I'm not 100% sure it's the right one.
  4. wowchad

    Finally added a Yamaha to our stable - Nytro RTX SE

    Good tip on the solenoid, but I sure hate carrying a bunch of spare parts around with me, I mean that's why I sold all our 2-strokes and bought 4's. I looked into the newer Solid State relay and ordered P/N 8GN-81950-00-00 which doesn't fit in place of the old one. Can anyone offer a suggestion...
  5. wowchad

    Exhuast Donut Replacement a real SOB!!!!!!!

    If I did more than run a warehouse you'd see the tag next to my name. I tried several times to get CVTech to advertise here and several local riding area clubs & maps in WI, MN & MI. I think they only took my advice once, but who am I. ..just a warehouse guy who only knows how to ship parts...
  6. wowchad

    Exhuast Donut Replacement a real SOB!!!!!!!

    A lot of them are on there nowadays. I know for a fact a few sell Ulmer copper exhaust gaskets on eBay because I just saw them. You have to in today's online marketplace and whether it's there, Amazon, Yahoo etc. they all take about the same fee from sellers...probably a wash to sponsor fees...
  7. wowchad

    Exhuast Donut Replacement a real SOB!!!!!!!

    Plenty of good option on eBay too ;)
  8. wowchad

    Anyone tried the Powerbloc 80 primary clutch?

    I had asked the guys in Canada that several years ago when we started warehousing for them and yes it dates all the way back to the 70's. In fact they told me these days several Polaris and Cat models come with them on from the factory. I thought this was interesting too, they also told me...
  9. wowchad

    Finally added a Yamaha to our stable - Nytro RTX SE

    That was my thought too, but we had just replaced the battery so I put it on charge last night and this morning it's doing the same thing. I jumped the solenoid and it starts so it's not the starter. Checked all the fuses and those are good so I'm guessing a bad relay. If they are the same I can...
  10. wowchad

    Finally added a Yamaha to our stable - Nytro RTX SE

    Bringing it back Guys we've had low to no snow & life in general has been moving pretty fast, but my kid finally came to the shop to do a last bit of tweaking & the Nytro just clicks & wont start :( :-( Any tips?? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. wowchad

    Yamaha is now offering 20 year/100k mile engine warranty on new sleds

    W-O-W I really thought you were kidding! That's impressive, but yeah good luck getting them to payout on THAT one
  12. wowchad

    Exhuast Donut Replacement a real SOB!!!!!!!

    It was probably easier for us because we replaced the entire exhaust, but once you drill the rivets you can slide the header pipe back out of your way. By the way, our old gaskets were nonexistent! I mean there was nothing left of them at all - completely blown out...we found one small piece...
  13. wowchad

    Sidewinder sled lift - What do you guys like?

    I have one of the MadSled lifts, now Whiplash I believe and it's just as good as it gets. They're made down here so unless you came down I imagine freight would kill you. Def worth the extra money spent. Riding group has many years on me and they are all goo-goo gaa-gaa over mine
  14. wowchad

    Correct spark plugs??

    In typical wowchad fashion I over ordered so if anyone needs some... hmu
  15. wowchad

    Exhuast Donut Replacement a real SOB!!!!!!!

    Why doesn't it look like this:
