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Search results

  1. Crazy-wezz

    Studs in the middle??

    After reading several posts about studding the middle of the track I still have a question. What is the issue with the shock? I have read about staying away from the center so not to damage the shock...what gives. I tried finding the answer with the search option but no success. Sorry if it's...
  2. Crazy-wezz

    Quick Question, Removed Studs

    I have a 700 sx that I took the studs out of because I use it as a street cruzzer when we get enough snow. I dont know the axact milage but pretty sure I have put around 1500 miles on without any problems and I run the S*@T out of it.
  3. Crazy-wezz

    Everyone GREASE your wheels!!!

    Remember...over packing will burn a bearing up. Be careful.
  4. Crazy-wezz

    How many miles on your OEM belt?????

    All depends on how you ride. Over the years I have changed at 1000 (approx) and on my RX1 it was over 4000. It is cheap insurance to replace it yearly and keep the take-off for a spare. I have flat spotted a belt trying to pull out after a lunch stop because of freeze up. The belt was low mile...
  5. Crazy-wezz

    Revalving olin on Attak

    After reading more on this and feedback from you all I will be pulling my shock out and sending it to Pioneer. Thanks for the help guys!
  6. Crazy-wezz

    Revalving olin on Attak

    Can I revalve/rebuild my rear shock on 07' Attak myself? I know I have the ability but lack the knowledge of what to put in it to make it better than stock. Not being cheap, just like to do it myself. Is pioneer the place to have it done if I opt that way?
