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  1. K

    Did you guys see this yet?

    Son of a....... :-)
  2. K

    Did you guys see this yet?

    Check this out http://www.polarisindustries.com/en-us/ ... RUSH-INTRO Watch the virtual ride video, the tunnel hardly moves. Maybe this will get the other brands fired up into some new suspension technology too. :jump:
  3. K

    ski doo skis on a nytro xtx

    Thank you!
  4. K

    ski doo skis on a nytro xtx

    What is the approximate cost of a set of Skidoo skis and carbides? What size carbides did you go with? Thanks.
  5. K

    how to change sliders using reverse method?

    I take out the screws on the slides and loosen the track. Then I take my air chisel and dig it into the front of the slide and hit the trigger and drive the slide right off through the track window. Works slick without putting any stress on the track clips or track.
  6. K


    http://www.schmidtbrosmotorsports.com/Y ... r-Kit.html
  7. K

    XTX Limiter straps torn

    I just thawed out my skid and took a good look, my straps are ok but I can definetly see gouges in the drive lugs below the straps. Nice!
  8. K

    Sno Force Helmets in Canada???

    I have been using the snoforce for years, I'm on my fourth one. Yamaha discontinued some of their helmets. I tried on a Polaris pursuit modular helmet yesterday and I think I might go back and get it tomorrow. It fit really nice, it has the quick release neck strap which I love on my snow force...
  9. K

    Sno-force helmet.......

    Just got one myself. They are dicontinued from yamaha. Part# SHD-97ELE-CT-RC I ordered mine from Port Yamaha in Wisconsin. Fast shipping had it in 2 days. http://www.portyamaha.com/ They have them on clearance too! ;)!
  10. K

    Crashed Attack what do you think? Help

    My 04 Warrior was totalled for less damage than that. I guess it depends on the insurance company. Mine was damaged on the same side and the arm came back and put a hole in the oil tank, that may be where all the oil came from. I would bet they total it. Sometimes it depends how bad you want it...
  11. K

    XTX Limiter straps torn

    Thanks for the update, so far my extra strap fix is holding up great. they look like new after 400 miles on them. Like you I still think they have an issue though. Keep their findings coming. good info.
  12. K

    XTX Limiter straps torn

    One of mine had chunks out of the middle, the other side broke at the bottom.
  13. K

    XTX Limiter straps torn

    This will have to be a recall by Yamaha because it is a safety issue. If both straps break your sled is going to have very different handling characteristics and could cause an accident. Come on Yamaha come up with a solution quick before someone gets hurt! Keep the reports coming guys!
  14. K

    XTX Limiter straps torn

    I hate to say it but I knew there would be more issues out there with these straps. The big issue is that the dealers don't stock them so that means down time for guys that just bought a new sled. I'm waiting to see what Yamaha says. probably the same thing they said about the handwarmers...
  15. K

    XTX Limiter straps torn

    What do you mean bad shock? Only 27 miles when first strap broke? I feel it rides darn good. Please elaborate your thoughts.
  16. K

    XTX Limiter straps torn

    Have the dealer order you and extra strap or 10 so you don't have any downtime. Or do what I did. I went to Farm and Fleet and picked up a 2 foot by 8" piece of bailer belt and made my own. It is the same material and cuts nice with a razor knife. To make the holes use a track stud hole cutter...
  17. K

    Silverstars part# for the Nytro?

    Has anyone put them in their Nytro? I had them in my Warrior and really liked the White light. Does anyone know the part#? I had the 9003 ST H4's in my Warrior but I see the Nytro has a different Yamaha factory sku# than the Warrior. I would think they are the same. Any help would be...
  18. K

    XTX Limiter straps torn

    Well I hope you don't have the issue. I don't want to have to pull my skid, thats why a bought a new sled with a warranty. My dealer has a call into Yamaha (Whatever that means) I posted this to keep fellow yamaha riders aware. If one breaks no one would even know till both do if they don't...
  19. K

    XTX Limiter straps torn

    How many guys actually check there limiter straps? I have been riding yamaha's for 26 years and never had a strap problem on any, now 2 broken straps in 300 miles. Must be just my sled was designed wrong. Sorry for the post.
