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  1. DooZ

    Boostane Sale

    Anybody know the shelf life of Boostane?
  2. DooZ

    ADAPT Verses TAPP

    Did they not change the clutch because the 998 is going the way of the Dinosaur...extinct? Beefed up the clutch on the big twin 2 smoker because there's plans to turbo it? I'm assuming both are true.
  3. DooZ

    Celebration of Life

    Who's going?
  4. DooZ

    Celebration of Life

    Probably not the right place to post, but I hope all you Yami faithful know about this tomorrow @ Donahue Supersports in WI Rapids, WI. Sounds like it's going to be huge. Celebrities in attendance Mike Trapp, Tim Bender, & of course Bobby Donahue.
  5. DooZ

    2017 sidewinder

    Could be a Trans kinda thing
  6. DooZ

    TD/GAP Big Turbo first impressions

    Are you strictly going to only run pump gas? I'm curious what feeding it some significant octane yields.
  7. DooZ

    ADAPT Verses TAPP

    I'll give ya $20.00 for your paperweight...wouldn't want you to hurt yourself with it :-o
  8. DooZ

    ADAPT Verses TAPP

    When does CC expect to have more in stock at that price? I wouldn't doubt the price goes up when they have them in inventory lol
  9. DooZ

    Traction Vs Boost and Clutch Set Up

    Is it possible that he's not loading the engine enough?
  10. DooZ

    Midwest snow report

    Where was that?
  11. DooZ

    Full build 998 SRX on pump gas plus Boostane

    Sounds like @NYTurbo may have some info on that
  12. DooZ

    Full build 998 SRX on pump gas plus Boostane

    So you've got one of these Turbine Tech kits just laying around collecting dust?
  13. DooZ

    Midwest snow report

    Say it ain't so...:eek::mad:
  14. DooZ

    You need to see this!!!

    Ya it's super quiet....because we can't see anything Vids say private
  15. DooZ


    Yes, it's this dam snowmobile obsession...3 miles on the s.o.b. this year :mad: and always looking at new ones.
  16. DooZ

    Non-Adjustable Fuel Pressure Regulator

    I was asking for a buddy who needs something else to F with....:p I've got too many hobbies with a champagne taste on a beer budget :dunno:
  17. DooZ

    Non-Adjustable Fuel Pressure Regulator

    So is the non-adjustable fpr the answer for these bigger pumps if you don't want to monkey with an adjustable and/or CL? Does CL control the big pump issue?
  18. DooZ


    Well the company that pioneered the 4 stroke is deciding to pack it in. The other companies are all about the bottom line, and the bottom line is 2 smokers are considerably cheaper to make. So Doo will be the only major 4 stroke player going forward, will they continue to up their 4 stroke game...
  19. DooZ

    Sidewinders over the years

    Oh come on now, don't be playin' with us the goods lol
  20. DooZ

    Closed loop - poor fuel mileage

    Step up pain no gain :cool:
