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  1. yami1

    Reason why I cant post???

    So have a question as to why I cant post on my laptop at home??? Can post on my work computer but not from laptop at home. When I try on laptop and push submit it goes to password again. What up with that??
  2. yami1

    For those that didnt pre-order your Viper, what did you pay?

    11,800 for my rtx se. Course add tax ,registation n back up to 12,700 I hate sales tax!!!!
  3. yami1

    There"s gonna be a viper in my garage!!!

    Well after himin and hawing for weeks it seems ,I said screw it only live once. Looked at the black and just didnt do it for me. This baby does. Something bout red I guess. Cant wait to get it out. My old 97 is gonna be pissed. Spent alot of time updating that thing the last couple yrs. Great...
  4. yami1

    There"s gonna be a viper in my garage!!!

    Well after himin and hawing for weeks it seems ,I said screw it only live once. Looked at the black and just didnt do it for me. This baby does. Something bout red I guess. Cant wait to get it out. My old 97 is gonna be pissed. Spent alot of time updating that thing the last couple yrs. Great...
  5. yami1

    set up and delivery

    Dealer I used to work for said those charges are total crap. Especially the shipping.he claimed that was included in the price he payed for the sled.
  6. yami1

    opinions please

    live n ride in in western ny. Trails are mostly good. clubs do what they can but you know what lots of traffic does. Sounds like you dont have to adjust to much then. How often do the floats need to be rebuilt??
  7. yami1

    opinions please

    So want some opinions here. Trying to decide between a sr viper or a viper rtx se. Like the black n really like the red just not sure on the fox floats?? Have heard mixed results on these shocks. are they that pig of a pain. Have heard your constantly adjusting them. Is this true?? Wish they...
  8. yami1

    Viper LTX SE first impressions/review. Update 12-5

    I went and looked at a black viper last night at my dealer. I have to agree on fit and finish. You happen to notice the gap in body panels on exhaust side behind shock mount?? Whats up with that?? At least there was one on this one. Also tried taking panels off and thought what a pain in the...
  9. yami1

    05 vector??????

    Thanks man that helps alot. At least gets me a base line
  10. yami1

    05 vector??????

    Need measuement from from axle back to first hole. Most measuements I've seen on this site they measure from top of tunnel. I have only two mount holes on this proactive suspension
  11. yami1

    05 vector??????

    Thanks appreciate it
  12. yami1

    05 vector??????

    Hey gents need some help. Anybody out there with a 05 vector that could give me some measuements of tunnel where the skid mounts. Just got a proactive for my old two puker n need to transplant her in. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks :yam:
