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  1. Y

    Part numbers

    They had the bolt actually, just the washer and oil seal they didn't have. Really just the oil seal holding me back.
  2. Y

    Chaincase cover stuck

    According to the dealer there was an update on the bolt that broke. The previous owner was suppose to have brought it back in to be updated with a stronger one but didn't. I think the problem has only been with the 07 models.
  3. Y

    Part numbers

    As fear they don't have the parts in stock so I'll be sidelined for a couple more weeks.
  4. Y

    Part numbers

    Thank you all. Helpful as always.
  5. Y

    Part numbers

    Probably a basic question but can someone share with me the easiest place to look up part numbers for the 2007 Venture MP?
  6. Y

    Used VL prices?

    I recently bought my 2007 MP for $4000 with 5000km on it. Other than this random broken bolt of mine it is otherwise in good shape. Plus Yukon prices tend to be on the higher side since we're far away with less selection.
  7. Y

    Chaincase cover stuck

    it was jammed up around the dowels but I don't think it was stuck because of them. I think that bolt head was causing some kind of pinch between the chain and the cover. I'll have someone stop by the yamaha deal for me to replace it with an identical bolt and washer. I should probably get...
  8. Y

    Chaincase cover stuck

    And yes there are two dowelings in the cover one for the brake caliper and i believe the other for the ebrake. They were great places to pry against!
  9. Y

    Chaincase cover stuck

    Success! I did finally get it off and discovered the source of all my problems. I'll admit I was frustrated and in the end just took a steal pry bar and put a lot of force behind it. It budged a bit but not much. It finally popped off with two of us prying(one at the top and the other at the...
  10. Y

    Chaincase cover stuck

    Yeah the bolts on the left are for the caliper and the battery stand. Both are completely backed out but just left in place so I don't loose them Thanks for the suggestion
  11. Y

    Chaincase cover stuck

    Yeah that is what I'm afraid of but I can't fix it till I get that cover off Any ideas as to what could be keeping it on there?
  12. Y

    Chaincase cover stuck

    Here is an image. Not sure if it shows but there is a bit of oil around the bottom of shaft
  13. Y

    Chaincase cover stuck

    Brake and e brake are out along with 7 bolts from the cover plus the chain tensioner.
  14. Y

    Chaincase cover stuck

    Cannot for the life of me get the chain case cover off. Any ideas welcome All the bolts and chain tension bolt are out I have pried it a bit and there is noticeable wiggle but seems stuck on the shaft. This should not be difficult but is becoming frustrating. I've googled it and can...
  15. Y

    Brake locked up on trail

    I've been away for a while enjoying Rendezvous celebrations in the big city of Whitehorse so haven't really put anymore time in. Basically though I can't get the chaincase cover off. I've taken all the bolts out even took out the chain tension bolt but it just doesn't want to pop off. In my...
  16. Y

    Brake locked up on trail

    Thanks. No it didn't run dry. It's a really slow leak that I only really noticed after it's been sitting in the shop all week. The chain case oil is a bit low but far from dry. I guess this still doesn't really explain exactly why the track won't turn though.
  17. Y

    Brake locked up on trail

    The leak seems to be just coming from the drive shaft on the back side of the chain case. Could it just be a bearing that is causing the leak chain case oil?
  18. Y

    Brake locked up on trail

    Yeah, seems the problem is definitely in my chain case. When it started thawing out some oil started to drip from there. I haven't had much time this week but hoping to open up the chain case today to get a look inside and assess the damage.
  19. Y

    Brake locked up on trail

    After letting it thaw out I started it again and gave another attempt at moving it on the off chance that something was just frozen up. No luck. Not surprised. Tomorrow I hope to get the back end jacked up, remove the belt and see if the track will move at all when rotating the secondary...
