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  1. Wannaviper

    Code 33

    I am pretty sure that the dealer replaced a coil, but I ended up trading the sled with him for a new Phazer, so I don’t know whether that was the final fix. Sorry I can’t help more. Good luck, I know how frustrating it is!
  2. Wannaviper

    2022 snow check follow-up

    Our EPS Sidewinder just came in, and I wrote the check on Saturday. There was no mention by the dealer of any additional fees or surcharges? Also, I haven't received any communications from Yamaha regarding the Visa card or gear bag. I am assuming that Yamaha sends that out after being...
  3. Wannaviper

    2022 Preorder build dates/delivery dates

    Honestly, no I have not checked my "junk" mailbox for word from Yamaha. I received the initial email from Yamaha in my regular inbox, and I have not made any changes to my email settings, so I really don't have any reason to believe that further emails from Yamaha would be diverted to my junk...
  4. Wannaviper

    2022 Preorder build dates/delivery dates

    Recreational vehicles are not a necessity, and Yamaha is not a public utility, but Yamaha made a promise and took my money, and they doe owe me something. We have a legal contract; my guess is that if I went to court, all I would get back is my $500, but that is not my point. The point is that...
  5. Wannaviper

    2022 Preorder build dates/delivery dates

    I agree that Yamaha's customer service has been abysmal, but not because they aren't "making it up to us" with financial incentives or new freebies. While I have heard rumors on this board that Yamaha doubled the gift card from $250 to $500 because of the delays, I have not heard that from...
  6. Wannaviper

    Snowtrackers on Tuner skis

    I ran Bergstroms on my Viper XTX on SLP skis; no quality issues, but in the end I replaced them with SLP carbides and their leading edge to reduce darting, and I was much happier. I still run semi-aggressive Snow Trackers on my wife's 2013 Vector with stock Yamaha skis, and I ran them on a 2011...
  7. Wannaviper

    Snowtrackers on Tuner skis

    I think someone could write a book in answer to your question. The bottom line is that everyone's riding style is different, and everyone's sled is set up differently. How my trackers hold depends upon how aggressively I am riding, what the snow/trail conditions are, and what settings I have...
  8. Wannaviper

    2022 Preorder build dates/delivery dates

    I think that they are bound to keep the promised financing, provided we are creditworthy. After all, we do have a contract with them! At this point, my plan is to pay for the sled when it comes in, in April (if we are lucky), and ask my dealer if he is willing to leave it in the crate until...
  9. Wannaviper

    start problems in cold not relays

    I know you said your battery was new, but stranger things have happened than a bad battery. It takes a lot to crank these over when they are cold. Do you have a battery pack to boost your battery and see whether turning it over more quickly solves the problem? When my 2016 would not start in...
  10. Wannaviper

    start problems in cold not relays

    I suppose that it is an unlikely cause of your issue then. I have had 4 Vipers in the past, a 14, 15 & two 16's; the only one that had an issue with cold starts was one of the 16's, with the valves out of adjustment. New plugs might help? If you start your sled up and don't let it fully warm...
  11. Wannaviper

    start problems in cold not relays

    How many miles on your Viper? I had a 2016 with less than 7,000 miles on it, and it would not start in the cold. As you say, once it got going, it was fine for the day. I am no mechanic, so the work was done at my dealer, and it took a couple of trips for them to conclude that the valves...
  12. Wannaviper

    2022 Preorder build dates/delivery dates

    Well said! As much as it was/is a PITA to keep your customers advised, by putting money down on your goods or services, they earned the right to your attention. I suspect that your efforts will pay off in the future with customers who trust and respect you. It probably doesn't matter to a...
  13. Wannaviper

    2022 Preorder build dates/delivery dates

    I believe that to be the case, but I do not have actual knowledge. I ordered an LTX GT EPS, and I know from the video, they are at the end of the line; however, I recall seeing posts, either here or on Facebook, showing smiling people with their new LTX GT EPS sleds. I could be wrong. Don't...
  14. Wannaviper

    2022 Preorder build dates/delivery dates

    The video was not an adequate replacement for direct communication with the customers who bought their sleds and were waiting for delivery. The only way anyone knew about the video was "word of mouth." More importantly, that was two months ago, and things have taken a dramatic turn for the...
  15. Wannaviper

    2022 Preorder build dates/delivery dates

    I know that I am beating the proverbial "dead horse", but I think what upsets me most about this whole fiasco is Yamaha's complete lack of communication. Although I have an excellent relationship with my dealer, he has not provided any insight, but I don't think it is his responsibility to do...
  16. Wannaviper

    2022 Preorder build dates/delivery dates

    I hope that you are one of the "lucky" ones that gets your sled this month, and hopefully you can salvage some riding. Lord give me the serenity to accept the things that I can't change; the courage to change the things that I can; and the wisdom to know the difference. I am sure that whoever...
  17. Wannaviper

    2022 Preorder build dates/delivery dates

    I agree, I am totally confused. This forum is generally the best source of information for all things Yamaha, but all the different stories, with everything from people having received their sleds, to long delivery delays into February and April, and outright cancellations just leads me to...
  18. Wannaviper

    2022 Preorder build dates/delivery dates

    I checked in with my Dealer last Friday, and he said delivery had been moved to April, but I have not received anything from Yamaha about the delayed delivery, or doubling the gift card to $500. The posts here lead me to believe that Yamaha is sending out emails or letters to those affected...
  19. Wannaviper

    2 up seat install help

    One of the other posters had that same question recently, and he said that he emailed Kimpex, and that they sent him the templates by email.
  20. Wannaviper

    Low coolant?

    My last ride of the season two years ago, I ended up by the side of the trail drained of coolant. The dealer couldn't find any issues, and I rode it last year, adding about a quart of antifreeze for every 200 miles I rode. At the end of last season service the dealer found that ice in the...
