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Search results

  1. kent inge Ingebrigtsen

    Ulmer racing

    Hi everyone. I did not make this thread to somehow complain over the work that Allen Ulmer does, but since i didnt could get i touch with him, i wanted to know if he was out of buisness or mabye i had something wrong with my e-mail. Since i made this thread, i have got in touch with him, and got...
  2. kent inge Ingebrigtsen

    Ulmer racing

    Got a mail from Allen Ulmer today, so i have orderd the parts i needed
  3. kent inge Ingebrigtsen

    Ulmer racing

    Looks like i just have to see on other options for now, to bad since the ulmer kits is very good
  4. kent inge Ingebrigtsen

    Ulmer racing

    I tried order direct from the site, but since i live in norway i have to email him to order. Only people from us and canada can order direct on the site.
  5. kent inge Ingebrigtsen

    Ulmer racing

    I have the last month or so tried to mail ulmer racing several times to order a clutch kit for my mcx viper, but is not getting any respons, is Ulmer out of order or tust busy and filtrating mails?
