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Search results

  1. Apex

    Very rich after BOV installation on stage 1 @10 lbs ???

    Is the BOV venting at idle? If so that would make you rich. The engine is not getting as much air. Make the BOV spring stiffer to stop the venting.
  2. Apex

    Dude- where's my boost?

    where did you get your different oil? Did MPI send it to you? Or is just the supercharger bad? I have heard of several going bad right out of the box. Won't build boost. Hartman has had 2 or more that I was told. They would build boost, but wouldn't hold it. Sounds like your problem.
  3. Apex

    super tips apex sled

    pullies are standard. 24-26
  4. Apex

    super tips apex sled

    I have a superchargered apex running at 10,000 to 12,000 shock wave at 90 with white spring 1 1/2 turns out. straight cut. Blue white blue primary spring. with super tips I'm pulling 9500 looking for 10,500 to 10.800 Hill climber not a drag racer. Thanks again
  5. Apex

    super tips apex sled

    I have one tungsten and two washers in the toe I have 4 washers in the mid. two washer in the heel When I take off it flash 10,500 and pulls down to 9500 right away. What changes would I need to make to keep me a 10,500? Thinking I need 6 washers in the toe 2 in the mid. 2 in...
  6. Apex

    Lakercr...A stand up guy

    Yep! not a better peson in retail out there. Keep up the good work! Thanks Jim P.S. I love my gauge panel and scoop. Top notch work Apex
  7. Apex

    The perfect wideband?

    How about a knock sensor for that gauge! Thanks Apex
  8. Apex

    Any Stage 3 MPI superchargers out there

    Re: to funny I'll buy your stage two, how much you want for it.
  9. Apex

    Mountain Handle Bar Update Wanted...

    you missed what i said. I had no letter. Didn't need the letter just call a dealer to get them.
  10. Apex

    Mountain Handle Bar Update Wanted...

    i just called the dealer and ordered it. Give them the part number posted on ty. They charged me 30.00 plus shipping and mailed it to me.
  11. Apex

    Need Hauck accelerator instructions

    I can't find mine right now but you can call hauck and they will fax you one. I had to before. they don't ask anything just tell them you lost them. there really nice people.
  12. Apex

    Need Hauck accelerator instructions

    i have a set I will find them monday if you still need them let me know.
  13. Apex

    My Apex sled

    Well it came from Crazy Mountain Motorsports. I got it last year, but I see they don't have them on there web sight anymore. They might still make them Make sure you measure your tunnel so it's the right width for your tunnel.
  14. Apex

    My Apex sled

    Well it's ready for the snow.
  15. Apex

    MPI Supercharger with boondocker box any one doing this?

    Just wondering if anyone is using a boondocker box with a mpi stage one supercharger and how is it working. thanks
  16. Apex

    apex knock sensor,do they work. who makes them

    Is the parker knock box the only choice we have for a knock sensor.
  17. Apex

    MPI supercharger lower pulley, looking for 27 tooth

    27 tooth found a maker If anyone needs one I can get them.
  18. Apex

    MPI supercharger lower pulley, looking for 27 tooth

    Looking for 27 tooth lower pulley like MPI is using. thanks APEX
  19. Apex

    Need apex mtn suspension mounting measurements.

    I can give what it take for a fab-craft. They are dam close to stock I only had to move the hole up a 1/2 inch from stock. 162 skid. That would only help your aproach angle. I will have to find the papers, let me know if you need them.
  20. Apex

    FJO Wideband

    anyone running this guage? How is it to see?
