
  1. bobmnh

    X-TX vs X-TX 1.75

    I'm considering ordering a 2018 X-TX 1.75. I have installed Ice Ripper tracks on all of the short Apex sleds and liked them. Do the 1.75 models come with tunnel protectors? Are there any differences in the skid or tunnel with the 1.75 model?
  2. 2015 Srv Xtx  141

    SR Viper 2015 Srv Xtx 141

  3. C

    Need help to decide between BTX and XTX please...

    Hi, I am looking to purchase the new Yamaha Sidewinder . However not sure which one would better suit my needs between the two models I set my mind to: XTX and BTX I do half trail and half backcountry… I like long tracks on a sled but also do lots of trail so I need a sled that’s good for...
