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06' APEX GT VS. 05' CAT ZR 900


TY 4 Stroke God
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Kieler wis.
Its going to be another great year!

My buddy just plooped down $6800 for an new in the box 05 zr900 still in the box up in Minnisota! (they have 4)

He was thinking about switching to an Apex (he is a die hard cat guy) and was trying to justify the $10,000 he would have to pay for it and we figured that if he rode 3000 miles this year he would use $875 in fuel and oil compared to my $440 in fuel... This is assuming that i get 18mpg and he gets 10mpg on the 900.. (at current gas prices)

He just couldnt get over the price of the new sleds and the great price he got on the new in the box year old sled.. so he decided to stay with cat for atleast the next two years! (after two days of riding my sled last year he really changed his mind about 4 strokes and yamaha)

It should be fun to see whos sled is faster! ;)! and which rides and handles better! ( i love comparing stuff) 8)
I owned crappy kitties for 16 years. I had problems with everyone I owned. He may not be able to get over the price savings now. If it's like any of the cats I've seen he'll be sticking plenty of cash into the pos. I've never been happier since I switched to yamaha in 01. I've also never had a major, pull me off the trail and wreck my season problem as well (since switching). TELL HIM GOOD LUCK< WE'LL SEE HIM IN A 2 YEARS

Apex ER, blue on order
That is the one variable Yamaha cant count on.
The other 3 companies have a HUGE amount of unsold non-current model year sleds. You know those are gong to be at very deeply slashed prices.
But these things wont have much of a resale value, and your friend may not have factored that in. Next year a one year old Apex/Attak value I predict will be very strong.
Its safe to say that within a year or two most of the stroke sleds will be going cheap if the fuel price trend increases. Your friend has a good point. The prices need to come down on these 4 stroke sleds.
nb-viper said:
Your friend has a good point. The prices need to come down on these 4 stroke sleds.

I paid no more for my 4 stroke than a comparable "speed" decent 2 stroke. actually less.
Why do people keep saying this "$10,000 sled" bit. Most here are getting them in the 9,000 range. Outside of the old ZR900 (which is dated by every definition, even if the engine is popular) which manufacturer are you going to get a comparible deal? A couple numbers for you (outside of huge price slashes). Retail.

ZR900 EFI Sno Pro: 10,099
F7 EFI Sno Pro: 9,499
Crossfire EFI: 9,199

900 Fusion: 9,599
900 Switchback: 9,999

MachZ Adrenaline: 10,899
MXZ 800 Adrenaline: 9,199
MXZ Renegade: Starts at 9,299 up to 11,699

Apex ER: 9,999
Apex RTX: 10,199
Attack: 10,399

So yes in *some* cases you're paying 500 - 1k more for the four stroke depending on your brand preference (outside of dealer/buyer agreements). But it's VERY comparible. Add in your savings on gas and oil and in a year or two you've made up the difference.

although the ZR900 is dated, it was and still is a great sled.. although it lacks electric start and a digital speedometer, it was the sled that all other sleds were measured by until the Mach Z came out..

The new handle bars on the apex is a Cat design that they have been using for years... and even though the rear skid on the zr is dated the new mono shock only rides as good as the other 4 manufactures not better..

Im not sticking up for cats lack of quality though... they Rattle and shake like mad and i guess my buddy has gotton usto it and the money means more to him than the quality..

Im sure in a year or two we will see my buddy on a Yami as bad as he doesnt want too switch..
If the apex or attak will hold its value so well, why do you have to give away your 05s, excuse me if i am wrong but were not the 05s with the mono skid the cats a##.

I can see a 06 sliding in value the same way as the rxs have done since day one.

Yamaha will make some minor changes to the 07 models and everyone will beat feet into there dealers, the dealers in turn will tell them that the 06s were junk and they have to have the new model.

Only time will tell. :ORC
Shaf said:
If the apex or attak will hold its value so well, why do you have to give away your 05s.

I can see a 06 sliding in value the same way as the rxs have done since day one.

Yamaha will make some minor changes to the 07 models and everyone will beat feet into there dealers, the dealers in turn will tell them that the 06s were junk and they have to have the new model.

Only time will tell. :ORC

You know the average income of a person who owns a snowmobile makes $60,000 a year... that it why sooooo many people can loose 2-3000 dollars a year on a sled and still buy a new one every year!

Us snowmobiliers are ADDICTS...
The ZR900 is still popular by die hards welt. I'm sorry but it's an inferior machine. Why do you think they ran the F7 in the big iron shootout and not the ZR? Because the F7 can do everything the ZR can do but better. He's buying it for 7k for a reason. Because they aren't selling that well. It still retails up with the rest of them.

Not only that but the monoshock is a great skid. It needed tweaks for this year, a lot of stuff does after the first year. My 05 RX still rides far better than the ZR does. Or maybe he just likes that squishy cat seat. I can't stand it.

Shaf look at every maker before making wild statements. On the whole the RX's are holding their value on average. Especially considering the drastic change in model. Try selling a pre-rev ski-doo, or try selling a Fusion from last year. People can't give them away.
Wait a min if i woulda only lost 2k on my 03 it woulda been gone they were such a flop the dealers didnt wantem cause they couldnt sell them Goodluck with the 06`s i hope my mods i am doing will make the 03 50% better than it was stock Great motor fit and finish

And IMO sleds are starting to get overpriced so people will be keeping there old ones more often
Tell the guys with the 03 & 04 RX1s that they hold their value. The guy knocking the ZR900 has never ridden one, they are a great sled, perhaps a little long in the toothe but still a great all around ride and if the MONO is finally refined this year it will be a little better than the ZR. Yamaha hasn't had a good suspension for all around use in a lot of years, if the MONO is what they say it is this year the Apex will be in a class all it's own but if not depreciation will continue to plague the line.

Welt you and your bud should have great runs especially if they finally have the gearing on the ZR corrected.

