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07 rtx new suspension


Mar 18, 2007
Reaction score
Angola NY
Looking to replace the complete suspension in my 07 rtx. I am at a point with this sled of either dumping it or replacing the entire skid. Currently I have the extro drivers to help with the ratcheting, rail extensions, 136" pretator track and major studding to get it to hook. I installed 13mm sway bar to help the front end from rolling over entering corners and had the shocks revalved by Pionier and spent countless hours trying to tune the front and rear suspension. Installed snotrackers to help with the push and the darting. Even with all these mods this still is a subpar handleing and riding machine. Can a new rear suspension put this sled in the same league in handleing and suspension as say a rev. I want a sled to pound through the Two footers and rail a corner without the terrable push this sled has. I have read most all the posts in this section but still not sure if I should dump this sled or put another $2k in it. If it wasnt for the motor I would have given up along time ago. Curently I only have about 1000mi on this machine because I cant stand the way it rides and handles.
I have a M20 and it is great. But you will have to change your anti ratchet to 8 tooth for clearance for the front arm on the M20. or take a week vacation and ride it for 2000 miles and get use to that sled because it sounds like it is a good sled. :Rockon:
tbanzer said:
Looking to replace the complete suspension in my 07 rtx.

I got to where you're at about 6 weeks from the time I bought mine in 07. I was furious because the sled had been marketed as "rough trail" capable. What a joke...

I tried every trick in the book prior to realizing the suspension was going to have to go. Even if I spent the money to make it work right, there was still going to be reliability issues. I converted it, including getting rid of that POS Ripsaw track, for under 1000.

I went with a ProX suspension. It took some doing because I didn't have anyone to talk to that had already done it. Others have done the same with other Poo suspensions, with Cat especially, along with a few Doo conversions. The better ones are out from under other heavier sleds. If you have a favorite OEM suspension you know, there's no good reason not to go with it. If money is no object, there's a bunch that have gone with the ZX2 suspension and they really like them. Point is, just change it. Guys are breaking rails with them all the time. If your skid is OK you can part it out and do OK. Or, save it to reinstall prior to selling the sled?

Some searches here should produce information on about any skid you want to go with. If you can't find it or want to go with something "different" holler. I've helped a bunch of guys with conversion questions, and helped get them sorted out afterwards (here and via PM's).

After having my conversion for a few years now, I'm not so sure about spending a lot of time in the 2 footers any more. This is a heavy sled, and heavy sleds don't like being in the air. It was set up for that originally, but I've since realized the smaller lighter stuff (Rev/IQ) works much better in that environment. My Apex is now more along the lines of what I would call a ground pounding performance cruiser. THAT is where it really comes into it's own. Handling twisties and 12" to 18" stuff (to allow survival in high traffic areas) is no trouble....

Bottom line, it is about the engine. It's awesome. Anyone that's owned one will say the same.
Ahicks Did the pro x help with the push in the corners. I have snotrackers and the limiter pulled up a couple of holes, and the transfer rods tightened some and Im still nt happy with the push if you try and accellerate in the corner.
tbanzer said:
Ahicks Did the pro x help with the push in the corners. I have snotrackers and the limiter pulled up a couple of holes, and the transfer rods tightened some and Im still nt happy with the push if you try and accellerate in the corner.

After talking with a lot of guys driving these things, one thing's pretty apparent. This sled takes a little "finesse" in the corners. Remember this thing's heavy and it's just got a ton of torque. I've found (and many others have as well) you can get through the corners fastest if you never really let the throttle come down all the way to idle. ALWAYS maintain SOME throttle through the entire corner. Takes some seat time. It's not very intuitive or how you would drive any other sled I've been on. It is extremely effective! The only time my sled is down on the idle is when I'm sitting at a stop sign - and then it may still be on a high idle.

There's a lot more to it, but consider how it might handle if your sled wasn't transferring a whole lot (as much?)? The front might be carrying a little more weight when accelerating? That's a really fine line if you're setting the sled up for hard play in the twisties. The amount of traction you have in the back, if too much, can really work against you. That's a big deal actually - and the biggest reason I don't run 136's.

I generally will plant/set the front to start the corner, then play with the inside ski lift using whatever power I can/need. Once that outside ski is set it's a matter of me hanging on, whether I can or not. The front is planted, no question about grip/understeer.

All that said, yes, once figured out the Poo suspension allows you to dial in what you're looking for, whatever that is. The Cat and Doo are much the same. My sled's front can be so aggressive, in some conditions it will slide the back end around if I back completely out of the throttle and turn slightly. The only downside to that is I'm an old man (old, but still 6'2"/300lbs). It's awesome to have this kind of handling, but it can be brutal driving it like that all day. I've come home from 150+ mile days and barely been able to pull on the handlebars hard enough to turn into the driveway! Otherwise, rest assured there's no doubt about where it's front end is going when I tell it to. I refuse to have that discussion with the front end as I'm entering a corner and find I'm a little faster than I should be....
As it is its worlds better than in its stock form and I can stay with most anyone in the woods but I am on the edge of wrecking compared to someone on any other brand. Basically like you said just feather the throttle to kieep the front end from pushing then when near straight pin the throttle to make up the gap lost through the corner. Requires alot of moving on the seat and being slid on top of the tank. Like you said it wears on you. My son has an xpackage pre xr rev and this thing rocks the woods and the big bumps, its effertless tho ride this machine hard and fast, but the motor is a time bomb. I have always been a Doo guy but their motor issues made me try a Yammi and unfortunatlly I have regreted it since I first rode it. I bought into Yamahas Big bump advertising and some reviews by some who dont ride the same way I like to. Still not convinced I should dump anymore money into this machine for the way I expect it to preform, maybe it never will and I should jump to another brand.
I would swap out the rear to whatever skid you decide and get some different skis. I run the pilot 5.7s and they rock. I can hang with almost any sled on the trail with some effort. I chace an XP 800R and an SRX all day and they both have ridden my sled and like the set up. The motor is world class you just need to dial in the rest. Good Luck :yam:
yamahatd said:
I would swap out the rear to whatever skid you decide and get some different skis. I run the pilot 5.7s and they rock. I can hang with almost any sled on the trail with some effort. I chace an XP 800R and an SRX all day and they both have ridden my sled and like the set up. The motor is world class you just need to dial in the rest. Good Luck :yam:
What made you choose the M20 over the zx2 rear suspension?
I was looking for a 136" skd and found the M-20 136" used from Laneo on TY classifieds. It was a project to install with the airlines and onboard compressor. The previous owner screwed up the shocks and they have since been re-valved with the new 2012 spec from Fast.

I had the stock skid re-valved from pioneer and it made a HUGE improvement. If your keep the stock skid definitely have this done along with the new front spring. :Rockon:
$2000 is worth the upgrade

I just installed a new Expert X suspension in my 2007 RTX. I figure I will be able to ride this sled another 10,000 miles now.
Awesome, keep us posted with your thoughts. The ZX2 is supposed to rock. Check some of the posts of guys who have them and the maintaince that goes with them.
check out the ZX2 performance log in this forum. really good post that may help, :rocks:
