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After-market clutch kits, does engagement have to change?


Apr 17, 2003
central mass.
If you use an aftermarket clutch kits does engagement have to change ? If you use after-market weights and set engagement close to stock are you really making a difference?

H.H. they can keep the lower engagement if you use a softer spring and ajust ramps acordingly. The stock ramp in thr rx1 is very heavy and makes for a low engagement, where everthing aftermarket or not is lighter and usually raises the engagement.
There are many ways to impact engagement.

Rollers: 14.5mm have a lower engagement vs. 15.6mm rollers will give you a higher engagement

Primary Spring: a spring with a Y-W-Y (45/128) with a 45kg preload will engage higher than a P-P-P (30/129) with a 30kg preload.

Engagement springs can increase preload: These shims range from 20thou to 60/70/80thou depending on your needs. It also should be noted that when you add a shim it will also effect total force.

HH's, HC's also have some adjustability for engagement, but the best way is to do it with springs...

