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Altitude compensation bulletin?


Sep 10, 2006
Reaction score
Buffalo MN
I brought my Attak in for the handle bar replacement and they had two service bulletins. One was to replace the idler wheels which I have heard of on this forum. The other one was a altitude compensation bulletin that they said wasn't needed unless I went to the mountains. Is this something that I should insist on getting replaced since it is a recall?
TBNSR said:
I brought my Attak in for the handle bar replacement and they had two service bulletins. One was to replace the idler wheels which I have heard of on this forum. The other one was a altitude compensation bulletin that they said wasn't needed unless I went to the mountains. Is this something that I should insist on getting replaced since it is a recall?
yes you should have it done only if you are riding over 5000' elevation.

the wheels are the rear inner ones which yamaha only syas to replace if they are chunking. if you were to buy a leftover they would automatically get replaced befroe they have a problem. does this make sense? most dealers are just replacing them as yamaha does not want the dealer to hold the part under their warranty guidelines. other wise known as wink, wink, just replace tham.
Please - give us the details of the idler wheel bulletin.
ThI had the dealer give me a print out of what it said. This is word forword and all he said is they wouldreplace them.

svc/Bulletin # 090TU See Bulletin # S06-009 Title = IDLER WHEEL REPLACEMENT.

I just got a call from the dealer that is is done So when I pick it up I'll ask if this is suppose to be replaced on all the Attaks.
I'd like to know why an altitude comp. kit is needed w/EFI. :dunno:

We always change the jetting if it's carbed, but all the EFI sleds ran fine from 3000' - 5500'.
bashley said:
I'd like to know why an altitude comp. kit is needed w/EFI. :dunno:

We always change the jetting if it's carbed, but all the EFI sleds ran fine from 3000' - 5500'.

I asked that question when I saw the bulletin. He didn't have an answer and was going to ask the service manager. When I pickup my sled tomorrow if I can get the answer and I post what I find out.
When I had to get my "no Recall letter" to import into Canada this update was missing and they still gave me the letter as this recall was optional not mandatory.

i believe the bulletin has more to do with clutching than engine mapping as the ecm will adjust to less available "air" but the clutch won't
