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Do you think I blew a fuse or is my dash just gone?


Mar 8, 2010
Reaction score
Hi. New guy here with a quick question.
I've got an 03 RX1 and during a ride on Sunday my dash died. No analog RPM gauge and my display gave out. Everything else is working fine. Lights work, Handlebar warmers work, and the sled runs as normal. ( I only noticed the problem when I looked up over the handlebars to see how much fuel I had left. Still rode another 20 minutes or so to get home)

I searched the forum for a problem like my own and the closest one I could find was the one with the wire rubbing on the side near the tool kit but I didn't really see any wear there. (Ill take a closer look later)

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Check the connections of the wiring harness to the gage, as well as the connection at the other end. It might have just been loose and disconnected from riding.
Does the tailight brake light still work. Same fuse as the gauge cluster
Thanks guys. I'll check those tomorrow and let you know how it goes.
Just checked it out and the taillights aren't working either. So looks like a trip to get a fuse to try tomorrow.

Am I assuming right that it's the 10A "SIGNAL" one that controls the dash and tail lights?
There should be a spare fuse in the fuse box, it should be marked, or look in your manual.

I just looked at my service manual for a Nytro (maybe you can find a free download somewhere here for the RX1) and the gauge doesn't go to the fuse panel, so I'm thinking that the fuse isn't the problem, but the load control relay. The gauge, brake lights and reverse switch come off of this relay, at least on the Nytros. Does the reverse buzzer work when you try to put it in reverse?
Grimm said:
There should be a spare fuse in the fuse box, it should be marked, or look in your manual.

I just looked at my service manual for a Nytro (maybe you can find a free download somewhere here for the RX1) and the gauge doesn't go to the fuse panel, so I'm thinking that the fuse isn't the problem, but the load control relay. The gauge, brake lights and reverse switch come off of this relay, at least on the Nytros. Does the reverse buzzer work when you try to put it in reverse?

That sounds like it. The reverse buzzer is also not working. I've got access to a service manual so I'll give that a look.

Thanks again for all the help.
I bet it blows the new fuse right away. Sometimes the wires for the tail light get rubbed through along side of the tunnel or pinched in the plastic side cover. I'd look there too if it blows right away. You could also unplug the tail light on the right side at the front of the seat under the plastic before putting the fuse in. Maxdlx
I had all of the same problems he has and mine was the plug for the tail light was resting on the heat shield.

Yes it is the fuse marked SIG and it is a 10 AMP fuse.
First off. Thanks everyone so much for all the suggestions! You've been a great help.

It turns out it was nothing more than the fuse. I finally got a chance today to pop out the old fuse. (it was obviously blown when I took it out and got a good look at it). I put a new one in and kept waiting for it to blow as well but it never did. Rode this afternoon without a hitch. If I do have some kind of short or wiring issue it's minor enough that it's not doing it al the time.

Anyway, Thanks again everyone.
