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Flatlander Scenery


TY 4 Stroke Master
Jun 27, 2003
Niagara Falls, NY
Here's a little teaser..... ;)!

FYI...this is the "F" trail heading NORTH about halfway between Spanish, ON and Chapleau, ON (about 20 minutes North of Aubrey Falls). Nice scenic trail but this part was about the straightest we had. The entire trail was about 260 miles and it took us all day (about 8 hours) to ride it. Normally we average about 50-60 Mph but this trail was real twisty...kind of tough on the old 2003...should be better with that 2005 :Rockon:

This was Day 1 of a 4 day bagger trip. One of our buddy's was feeling sick when we left but he chose to ride anyways...to make a long story short, he ended up in the Chapleau hospital for 2 days with a disease that he caught from his dog who died 2 weeks earlier (Leptospirosis)....He and his Father had to head back home and another guy and I finished the entire trip by ourselves. Great trip but I didn't really enjoy the trails until we hit Wawa. Then they got real nice.

PS....Up to then, I had no idea that you could get a disease that your dog had.... :eek: :eek: :shock:

Wonder I hope we run into you guys this year. We rode that area several times last year. The trails are always great during the week. LaLaLa

After Ronda and I get married, we will keep her modest little home as a base camp for sleding and vacations. Maybe we can get together there and party some time. :drink:

Suisse I heard a lot about you and hope we can hook up with you also. I didn't get to make the Manitoba trip due to a prior commitment.
I would be happy to hook up & take you guys on a tour of our areas that we ride. If you are ever up (anywhere) in Ontario let me know!
