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Feb 18, 2006
saint john n.b.
anyone hear about the headlight mod kit from yamaha to fix the hi-low beam problem? if so will it work on all apex models, seen something on one of the sled shows.

Ya, HID's help b/c the beam is more spread out, but the high and low beams are still spread really far apart -- too far.

I remember a guy here on TY4 installed a dial that he could turn to adjust his headlights. May want to search for that.
headlight fix

hers hoping Yamaha has a good fix, alot could use it, seems Yamaha would have a liability issue from anyone crashing a sled at night.
I understand you can get them cheaper than Snowdog's/ Sled Start's price. But I'd only buy HID's from him. The reason is his excellent cust service. I bought 3 sets from him lsat spring.

HID's can be finicky. I'd never not have them bc they are awesome, but they can be finicky. It's well worth it to go with Sled Start (Snowdog/ Kurt) because he is there if you have any problems. I had a few bugs and he mailed me a new part asap no questions asked. And he religiously returns calls for questions. You won't get that great service many other places.
