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LOST:Yamaha Windshield Bag-North Bay Area **FOUND!!**


TY 4 Stroke Master
Jun 27, 2003
Niagara Falls, NY
Hello everyone.

On Sunday February 19th, I was riding from SOUTH New Liskeard to North Bay VIA "A" trail and I lost my a black Yamaha Windshield Bag with my favorite hat, a digital camera and a tripod inside. I have a "feeling" I lost it between Temagami and the "A" and "D" junction. I thought I would post this here in case maybe someone found it or someone on the forum had heard of someone who found it. :cry:

The bag looks like this. ....


If anyone found this PLEASE call me or PM me. My number is
(905) 746-5646.

Thanks very much in advance...


Hey "RX Wonder", I don't have any info on your lost bag,but I bought one a little while ago and didn't like the idea of it just being velcroed in place.What I did was I took my windsheild off and at the middle of the bag there is a velcro tab.I took the tab and put a screw threw it into the lower part of my dash.The screw does not touch the light or anything.Holds in there very good.Just a thought that might keep this from happening again. ;)!

King44 said:
Hey "RX Wonder", I don't have any info on your lost bag,but I bought one a little while ago and didn't like the idea of it just being velcroed in place.What I did was I took my windsheild off and at the middle of the bag there is a velcro tab.I took the tab and put a screw threw it into the lower part of my dash.The screw does not touch the light or anything.Holds in there very good.Just a thought that might keep this from happening again. ;)!


Thanks man....will do that next time.
Well I got home tonight and found a letter in my mailbox from someone I did not know. So I opened it and the words "snowmobiling on February 19th"...... :D :D :D

It turned out that I had left a bill in my windshield bag from my hotel in New Liskeard which also had my name and address. The people were kind enough to hand write me a letter and let me know that they found my windshield bag on the trail just outside of Marten River.

This is why I LOVE THIS SPORT! When I lost it I told my wife that snowmobilers are great people and someone will find it and return it. I was right! Everything is in the bag just as I lost it and the couple who found it are mailing it to me tomorrow! :D

Thanks everyone for your well wishes!
That is good news - there are still some decent ppl left out there! Last winter I lost my wallet with probably around $150 American in it along with credit cards and other papers - I figured it was gone for sure. But when I returned home there was a message on my answering machine saying some fine upstanding gentleman and his most lovely wife from upstate New Hampshire had found it on a trail outside Shawinigan and that it was "in the mail....INTACT"!!! hey now!!
