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New Minnesota Corridor System GPS Map


Nov 7, 2007
I just finished up a GPS map showing the new corridor system. I also have an updated version of the regular trails map with more coverage in NE MN of trails that aren't on the DNR's map and more points of interest. Both the trails and corridor maps are transparent, so they will be displayed over other Garmin maps on your GPS. The corridor trails will show up over the all trails map. It's a good idea to install each one as a different color so it's easy to tell them apart. I've got sample screenshots showing this on the page below. If your GPSr won't display custom colors, they'll both be red, but the corridor trails will be thicker. Most newer Garmin GPSs can display custom colors, but if yours isn't working, try updating your unit's firmware and updating to the newest version of Mapsource, both available from Garmin.com. The corridor trails are numbered as they are on the DNR paper maps, and the all trails map has the usual trail names.

Right now they're only available for Garmin, but the versions for other brands, and the complete Garmin version will be available this weekend. I just wanted to get at least the trails only and corridor maps up now so people could use them tonight and over the weekend, plus I'm still figuring out how to handle the corridor trails for Magellan and Lowrance since they can't have layered maps like Garmin GPSs can.

When the MN DNR releases their new data (should be within two weeks) I'll make another updated version. I've also got a New Hampshire map almost ready, and an updated Wisconsin map and a Utah map.



The complete versions (including roads, rivers, and lakes) and trails only versions are now ready for download for all three brands.
