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Newberry area-Trail connector from Pine stump to Wolf inn?

mr. shide

Jan 4, 2009
tipton, IN
Hi, I have an old trail map it shows a connector from Pine Stump Junction south to Wolf Inn? I think its listed as trail 498. it runs on CR 407. is this still considered a connector? Can it be ridden or is it usually plowed down and unrideable? Looks like its about 6 miles? Also is there gas avail. at Pine stump and/or Wolf Inn. Trying to see if I can shortcut from Trail 8 south to trail 9. thanks!

It is normally plowed but we have use the edge as a short cut, there was gas at both last year. Best to hit it right after some snow and they have been known to watch for speeders there.
yeah I'm just looking for a decent shortcut to get down to trail 9 then pick up 45 and head to the falls. maybe if its snowing it will be decent. thanks.
Yes I ride 407 quite often (though not yet this year)...and it usually is not bare...especially as cold as it has been lately (can't blade it off as easily).

If you are looking to get from 8 to the Falls it's shorter to run down CR 500 and pick up the trail from there...
country road 500 is over by rainbow lodge area correct? is the road marked and ez to find off trail 8? does it run all the way down to trail 45? is usually snow covered and decent it to ride? thanks for the info and tip. about how many miles from 8-45 via cr500?
500 actually ends up at little bay harbor but I'd turn off trail 8 where it crosses CR 414 which empties into CR 500.
500 does run all the way to 45 (it actually comes out onto M-123 if you miss the trail crossing). This time of year the banks aren't too high yet so if there isn't much snow in the road, you should be able to get up there (though its usually good and snow covered). Miles I'd say 8 maybe 10.
