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Northern Outdoors - Wed 1/25/06


Mar 15, 2005
Rhode Island/NE Kingdom, VT
Hey guys, looking for some help with making a decision. Do you think it's worth it to go up on Wednesday next week or should I scrap it? They tell me the trails are "passable", but 8 guys is a lot of effort and money to ride icy "passable" trails. Should I cut my losses and lose the deposit and stay at work and wait for some freakin' snow?

Hmmm Norhtern outdoors is alittle bit south from where we rode I would say passable but I wouldnt say good further up north in the mountains was better. I dont know about after last nights rain and stuff the weather said more snow and ice for up there than I got here because we have nothing but green grass in Augusta now
The only place there is still some good is in Quebec and way up around Roberval. Unless you go up there you are wasting your time and money. Roberval is a nice place to stay.
Anyone know how the "refund" policy is? Hate to lose over a grand. Thanks.
BTW, been to Roberval several times, killer times just going with some "not as experienced" riders and don't know how their jackshaft bearing maintenance schedule is. LOL
I have heardf the same thing about those guys at the great outdoors. When are you going again I am considering a ride up in Jackman this weekend and I would be going right past the Great Outdoors
grumpysanta said:
a few areas good in quebec, check a few for advise not just one person, refund must be tranferable to other date with snow
So they will try to give you another date to go up? I wonder what happens if there's nothing else available?
I just talked to a fellow that lives at Lake Moxie, The Forks ,unless you want to ruin your sled forget it . the trails , what there are of them are dirt or ice. I came back from St. Agatha today. they have snow but the trails are pure ice and there are alot of places with standing water. Before the rain last nite we had a hard time getting around. Fort Kent has not groomed in quite a while and doesn't plan to until the water runs off the fields and trails so they can get the groomers through. It's just a mess with the warm weather and rain./ later/ jim-bob
West Forks

I posted this the other day...

In the forks last weekend MTK weekend. Luckly the rain turned to snow Saturday PM.

We were lucky to get about 175 miles in. ITS 86 around Moxie pond to Greenville was a nice ride. There are 2 seious wash outs one in the Forks and one on ITS 85 heading towards Moosehead Motorsports. Be careful!! I would say that www.sledmaine.com is pretty accurate right now.

One more thing - the roads from the Forks heading north for a mile or 2 are plowed with a thick layer of ice. GOOD LUCK!!
