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Opinions on Vector/Nytro vs Apex


Dec 9, 2006
Hey guys posted simalar ??? on the Apex board. Real serious about stepping up to Yamaha 4stroke. My previous sleds were a 97 MXZ670 02 MXZX800, & now a 02 Legend 600 which I haven't ridden yet (wonder why). Concerning the power has anybody that has ridden both sleds wished for more with the 3cyl? What about handling chassis wise, I believe the front suspension is the same both of them. Weight seems to be identical. Appreciate good honest opinions. I ride groomed & soom off trail, not a Snocross wannabee type. The sleds I'm most intersted in are 07 Apex RTX, 06 Nytro, & 07 Vector GT. Thanx for your time guys.


If your looking for a ditch banger then get the nytro. The vector and the apex are pretty close to about 80 but after that the apex just runs off and leaves the vector. I have a vector and my buddy has an apex. The apex is rider position forward somewhat like the rev and the vector is the old tradtional style (no rider postion forward). If I would have had the money I would have got the apex but money did play a factor for me. The vector gets about 2 to 3 miles to the gallon better on gas too.

I have had a 05 vector.I have rode all the 06 models and the 07 a couple times.I bought a apex mtn sled for mtn riding this year but I prfer the 3cylinder over the 4.I would spring for the nytro you won't be dissapointed.
I have both a Vector and an Apex (2006'S). I have never rode the Nytro but the Apex has the Vector beat hands down. Speed, comfort, sitting postion. The Apex is a bit noisier with the pipe coming out the back. THe Apex has great mid range and top end a fun sled to ride.
If you want a sled you can throw around, ditch bang or pop wheelies all day hands down the Nytro, if your a trail rider with the occasional lake run go with the Vector. The Apex cant realy go into the same group as these two sleds 30 more HP and Fuel Injection, it all depends on how much HP you want in your sled.
If you want the best of everything Get the three cyl. Rage, Wildchild forward steering kit, apex seat and put a CPR turbo kit on and you'd have the ultimate do all, sleeper sled. Mike Knapp #17
