As some may know, I bounced off the sky a couple of months ago after hitting an ice ridge at speed. Sled (98 XC7) does not look pretty. I found a tunnel, bulkhead, and bellypan (assembled) for $400.00 CDN. Price will also include the heat exchangers and plumbing - I'll give him mine back once my sled is stripped. I wouldn't mind getting the sled back on the snow. It's been our benchmark for testing all winter, and we still have testing to do.
Is $400.00 CDN a decent price, or should I hold off until Haydays?
Is $400.00 CDN a decent price, or should I hold off until Haydays?
Swiss Sledder
TY 4 Stroke God
Sounds reasonable. Have you checked to see what it cost new?
Nope, but I'm sure it would be at least twice that. Just out of curiosity, I'll call today.
Swiss Sledder
TY 4 Stroke God
That's what I was thinking. It would be good to have a comparison.
Checked w/dealer - bulkhead is $700, tunnel about $600 :shock:
I think that is a good price.
Looks like it. I'm going to go pick it up tonight.